Stanford Web Forms Service Features

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This page keeps track of features that we are working on for the Stanford Web Forms Service, those that have been recently completed, the next set of features to implement and feature requests. If you'd like to request some features, please add them to the bottom of the Feature Requests section. We can't promise all requests will be fulfilled, of course, but we'll try to do our best to make this the most useful tool out there for building forms at Stanford.


Recently Added Features

  • Allow re-ordering of fields while editing a form by dragging and dropping
  • Provide upload field and browse button for submitting .pdf, .doc, .xls files
  • When we receive the email notification, be able to reply to the sender directly. Currently, it is showing (Maybe set Reply To:) - Add a checkbox to use the SUNetID of the user (so the form needs to be behind webauth), or to use a required email field for the From: field. Make this optional as this change might break some people's workflow.
  • Ability to enter the SUNetIDs of people you want to share the form with. Ideally, use workgroups. (Note: not all functions will be available to people added this way as they might not have permissions to publish the form to all the same locations as the creator of the form).

Upcoming Features

Feature Requests

Please submit feature requests here:

Features Implemented since Launch

  • HTML5 inputs
  • Increased size of confirmation text area to 10K
  • Allow more than one email to be entered in the field for email notifications of new submissions.
  • Include IP address (Remote Host) of user in the .csv/.xls files, for use in detecting ballot box stuffing.
  • Increased character limit for element labels to 1000 characters.
  • Auto-fill Name and Email address if the form is behind Webauth
  • A new URL field which when added will only take valid URLs as values
  • Ability to add existing forms to your list of forms through a URL
  • Display/Allow Download of SUNetID (if available) from the data viewer
  • Ability to delete database entries
  • Ability to change/set the subject line for emails sent when someone submits a form
  • Better help information
  • Survey component
  • Ability to delete forms (you can now have up to 25 forms) DONE
  • Ability to logout of the form manager (will, however, log you out of all sessions on the WWW's) DONE
  • Service Page DONE - Thanks Dave!
  • Ability to export data into CSV files. DONE
  • Provide instructions on embedding forms into other pages
  • Provide instruction on protecting the form with Webauth
  • Allow more than one SUNet user to access/edit forms and their associated data.
  • Ability to add drawn lines or extra line breaks to create visual barriers/spacing between groups of related items
  • Ability to include a CSV file of a form submission (useful for working with off)
  • Ability to start a form and save for editing/submission at a later date. Details.
  • Allow the person that submitted the form to receive a copy of their submission.
  • Ability to clone a form.
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