Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

News and Press Releases

mouse lemur

World’s Smallest Primate Could Provide Huge Health Insights »

June 8, 2017

Stanford researchers have identified more than 20 mouse lemurs with genetic traits for conditions such as heart disease and eye problems, making the tiny primates potentially useful...

By Ruthann Richter, Stanford Medicine

Stanford's Commitment to Progress on Climate Change »

June 6, 2017

Stanford President Marc Tessier-Lavigne and Provost Persis Drell affirm the university's commitment to finding climate change solutions.

By Marc Tessier-Lavigne and Persis Drell, Stanford News Service

Q&A with Stanford experts on the president’s Paris agreement decision »

June 1, 2017

The president announced that the United States will withdraw from the Paris climate agreement. Four Stanford scholars discuss the implications of this decision.

By Devon Ryan, The Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Coral reef

A Brave New World for Coral Reefs »

June 1, 2017

The future of the world’s coral reefs hangs in the balance, but it is not too late to save them, according to a new study.

By Melissa Lyne, ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies

Scientists Launch Global Framework to Curb Social and Human Rights Abuses in the Seafood Sector »

June 1, 2017

Guidelines for the treatment of humans who work in fisheries have lagged behind other industry advances.

By Kristen Weiss, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

California Book Awards logo

Book ‘Ecosystems of California’ wins California Book Award »

May 24, 2017

The book and its editors, Harold Mooney, professor of biology at Stanford University, and Erika Zavaleta, professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at UC Santa Cruz, will be...

By Devon Ryan, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Trees in Brazil

Assuming easy carbon removal from the atmosphere is a high-stakes gamble »

May 18, 2017

Stanford scientists explain the risks of betting the world’s future on massive-scale deployment of carbon removal technologies.

By Devon Ryan, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

New Ways to Communicate About Risk and Resiliency »

May 15, 2017

Artists, scientists and engineers meet to explore disaster and climate risk through interactive learning and collaborative creation. 

By Andrea Fisher, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Jeff Koseff with Fahmida Ahmed, director of sustainability.

Sustainable Stanford Award Winners Honored »

May 5, 2017

Woods Senior Fellow Jeff Koseff and others honored by efforts to reduce Stanford's environmental footprint.

By Lauren Hennessy, Stanford News Service

Map depicting estimate of the number of days that various parts of the United States can expect temperatures topping 100 degrees by 2100 if nothing is done to slow greenhouse gas emissions.

How to Reduce Impact of Climate Change on Human Health »

May 5, 2017

Report offers wide-ranging recommendations to U.S. president for mitigating the grave effects of climate change on human health. The paper was produced in conjunction with the Climate...

By Jennie Dusheck, Stanford Medicine

An artist's rendering shows a moon base created by 3D printing.

Space Experiment Could Lead to More Energy-Efficient Concrete on Earth »

May 3, 2017

New technique for building Mars and moon habitats could help turn rocks there into concrete and provide lessons for making more efficient concrete back on Earth.

By Edmund L. Andrews, School of Engineering

Workers in Ecuador spray insecticide to kill Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, which spread dengue, chikungunya and Zika diseases.

What a Warming Planet Means for Mosquito-Borne Diseases »

May 3, 2017

A new analysis by Stanford researchers reveals that the ideal temperature for the spread of mosquito-born diseases like dengue, chikungunya and Zika is 29 degrees C. This finding...

By Sarah Derouin, Stanford News Service

A newly developed flexible, biodegradable semiconductor developed by Stanford engineers shown on a human hair.

Flexible, Organic and Biodegradable Electronics »

May 1, 2017

A new semiconductor developed by Stanford researchers is as flexible as skin and easily degradable. It could have diverse medical and environmental applications, without adding to the...

By Sarah Derouin, Stanford News Service

The study field site in the floodplains of the upper Colorado River Basin, where soil samples were taken.

A New Mechanism for Carbon Sequestration »

May 1, 2017

A new study reveals that organic matter whose breakdown would yield only minimal energy for hungry microorganisms preferentially builds up in floodplains, illuminating a new mechanism...

By Adam Hadhazy, School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences

Old Route 49 bridge crossing over the South Yuba River in Nevada City, Calif. in January 2017.

When Bridges Collapse »

April 28, 2017

Studying how and why bridges have collapsed in the past identifies the limitation of current risk assessment approach and demonstrates the value of new perspectives on climate change...

By Rob Jordan, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Bleached coral in Australia's Great Barrier Reef

Humans Can Ease Climate Change Impacts on Oceans »

April 27, 2017

Investment and innovation are key to solving a 'crisis of motivation,' according to expert analysis.

By Polita Glynn, This post adapted from a Pew Charitable Trusts blog post:

ocean waves

Testing Links Between Extreme Weather and Climate Change »

April 24, 2017

A new four-step “framework” aims to test the contribution of climate change to record-setting extreme weather events.

By Ker Than, School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences

corn field

A Better Way to Predict Environmental Impacts »

April 21, 2017

Many companies want to know how the creation of their products affects the environment. Scientists at Stanford, the University of Minnesota and Unilever have found a way to better...

By Taylor Kubota, Stanford News Service

Standing Ovation

“Tomorrow” Screening at Stanford University »

April 20, 2017

French filmmaker Cyril Dion joined Stanford environmental experts for a screening of the documentary “Tomorrow” about taking steps to a more sustainable future.

By Devon Ryan, Woods Institute for the Environment

Jim Leape

Stanford Woods Institute Announces William and Eva Price Senior Fellowship »

April 19, 2017

Stanford Woods Institute Advisory Council member William "Bill" Price and his wife Eva are dedicated supporters of interdisciplinary environmental research, with a particular passion...

Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

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