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Boost sales

Grow your sales by connecting with your leads, website visitors and app users or people in your ideal target audience.

Find the right audience for your products on Facebook

Find the right audience for your products

When people see ads that are relevant to their interests, they're more likely to buy from you.

Follow up with leads

Follow up with leads

People who signed up for information from your business are likely to purchase.

Make it easy to purchase with your app

Make it easy to purchase

People who have and use your app can shop and buy whenever, wherever.

Make business boom

Plan ad campaigns for your leads, website visitors and app users or shoppers you have not yet reached. With Facebook ads, you can prompt people to purchase by showing them products based on interests they expressed on your site, app on Facebook or other places online. You can also offer promotions and encourage people to shop online. To start driving sales on Facebook, Instagram and Audience Network, reach people who are likely to be interested or have expressed interest.

Website conversions

Guide people through checkout

Website conversion ads encourage people to take action.

A mobile Facebook Ad example from MM.Lafleur using website conversion ad objective

6xyear-over-year growth

App engagement

Encourage people to purchase in your app

App engagement ads send people to take action in your mobile app, like purchase or play.

A mobile Facebook Ad example from Zynga using app engagement ad objective

5.6xreturn on ad spend

Offer claims

Get people to purchase by promoting deals and discounts

Offer claim ads extend promotions to people to encourage them to take action.

A mobile Facebook Ad example from LUX using offer claims ad objective

27%increase in in-store sales

Promote your catalog

Sell more by promoting your catalog to people likely to purchase

Automatically retarget and cross-sell to your website and app visitors or reach high-intent shoppers beyond your visitors to spark interest, generate demand and ultimately drive more sales.

A mobile Facebook Ad example from Asos using product catalog ad objective

3xincrease in orders

Promote your catalog across any device.

A family of apps and services for all the ways people and businesses connect.

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Facebook for Business

Facebook can help your large, medium or small business grow. Get the latest news for advertisers and more on our Facebook Business Page.