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Facebook for industries

Meet your business goals with Facebook solutions tailored specifically to your market.

Reach the right people, and reach a lot of them.

People are their real selves on Facebook, so businesses can confidently reach the customers they want—whether that's hundreds of people, or hundreds of millions.

A cosmetics company wants to reach women between the ages of 18 and 25. A telecom company wants to reach large families in cities. A gaming company wants to reach people who frequently make in-app purchases. With Facebook industry solutions, they can.

Facebook for Financial services market

Financial services

Increase your scalability and profitability in a mobile-first world.

Learn about Facebook for financial services
Facebook for Retail & ecommerce market

Retail & ecommerce

Drive online and in-store product sales, from discovery to purchase.

Learn about Facebook for retail & ecommerce
Facebook for Gaming market


Build, grow and monetize your game on the Facebook platform.

Learn about Facebook for gaming
Facebook for Entertainment & media market

Entertainment & media

Captivate and engage your audience with entertainment they love.

Learn about Facebook for entertainment & media
Facebook for Telecom market


Increase subscribers, brand equity and market share.

Learn about Facebook for telecom
Facebook for Technology market


Sell more products and strengthen your brand.

Learn about Facebook for technology
Facebook for Consumer packaged goods market

Consumer packaged goods

Create awareness, build preference and drive sales for your brand.

Learn about Facebook for consumer goods
Facebook for Politics


Reach citizens directly and personally to drive your campaign.

Learn about Facebook for politics
Facebook for Automotive market


Guide auto shoppers from consideration to driving off the lot—and beyond.

Learn about Facebook for auto
Facebook for Restaurant market


Stay in step with diners who operate in a mobile-first world.

Learn about Facebook for restaurants

Ready to get started?

A family of apps and services for all the ways people and businesses connect.

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Facebook for Business

Facebook can help your large, medium or small business grow. Get the latest news for advertisers and more on our Facebook Business Page.