Visiting Scholars

Sei Jeong  Chin
  • China
Visiting Scholar
Ewha Womans University

Sei Jeong Chin is an associate professor in the International Studies at Ewha Womans University in Seoul, Korea. She received her B.A. and M.A. from Ewha Womans University, and Ph.D. from Harvard University. Her research focuses on media history in 20th century China. She is currently working on a book manuscript, which explores the rise of the media censorship regime and its impact on the making and unmaking of dissent in China’s authoritarian party-states from the Nationalist period (1927-1949) to the early PRC (1949-1958). Her new project examines the Chinese propaganda both at domestic and international level during the Korean War (1950-1953) and the Cold War culture in East Asia. She was a visiting scholar at the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences in 2004-2005, and at Harvard-Yenching Institute in 2016-2017.

Ellen Huang
  • China
Distinguished Practitioner

Ellen Huang, Ph.D.  is a historian of art, technology, and material culture.  She holds degrees from Yale University and UCSD.   Her research and teaching integrate the applied and natural sciences with the history of material culture.  She has held postdoctoral teaching positions at UC Berkeley, East China Normal University (Shanghai), and the University of San Francisco. In addition to publishing in catalogues and academic journals, she has organized exhibitions around the collections of the Cantor Arts Center, Asian Art Museum SF, Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute, and National Palace Museum.   Among her most enjoyable experiences include teaching collections/objects-based classes at Stanford, for AAMSF, and for the Andrew Mellon Chinese Object Studies Program.   She is currently completing a monograph about material transformation through an exploration of Jingdezhen porcelain (ca. 1600-1900) and researching the role of craft, binary languages, and science in contemporary art from Asia.

Janice  Stockard
  • China
Distinguished Practitioner
Stanford University

Dr. Janice Stockard is a cultural anthropologist trained in the area of Chinese studies.  Her research and publications focus on the effects of globalization and technological change on gender, family, and marriage primarily in China, but also more broadly cross-culturally. 

This year, one of Stockard’s long-term writing projects has published as a ‘digital-first’ anthropology text, Mapping Cultures Across Space and Time (Cengage 2018), which provides greater in-depth focus on China than any previous text.  Stockard is currently completing a second long-term project, “Silk Roads to New England, 1760-1860,” which is a work in historical ethnography – and a companion volume to her earlier ethnography, Daughters of the Canton Delta: Marriage Patterns and Economic Strategies in South China, 1860-1930 (Stanford 1989).  Both works focus on the rise and decline of a silk industry, tracking developments in technology, marriage, and gender within regional silk cultures. 

Stockard has also co-edited an anthology (Globalization and Change in Fifteen Cultures), authored a widely used text on cross-cultural marriage practices (Marriage in Culture), and served as Co-Editor of the Spindler anthropology series ‘Case Studies in Cultural Anthropology’ (2005-15).  She currently serves on the Social Science Advisory Board at the National Center for Women and Information Technology (NCWIT).  Stockard received her degrees in anthropology from Stanford. 

Helen  Young
  • China
Distinguished Practitioner
Stanford University

Helen Young is author of Choosing Revolution: Chinese Women Soldiers on the Long March (University of Illinois Press, 2001). She continues to pursue research, writing, and lecturing on the experience of women in modern Chinese history.