Event Details
Event Type: Webinar

April 09, 2021
12:00pm - 1:00pm
At your computer/device
Jerrie Thurman

Event Registration

Create Your Own Home Workout

We all know that exercise is important for our overall health and well-being. But despite our best intentions, many people find it hard to establish the habit of a consistent workout. Some have just never gotten an exercise routine off the ground. For others, gym closures, canceled exercise classes, and changing routines may have derailed them from their exercise goals.

If you are ready to start – or restart – your exercise routine at home, this noontime webinar is for you. Join us to discover how to design your own safe, well-rounded, effective workout using the equipment and space you have available to you. You will learn recommended exercise guidelines and principles to set realistic, healthy goals and explore ways to support your exercise when motivation wanes and challenges arise. The good news is that whatever your age or fitness level, there are steps you can take to make exercise less intimidating and more fun. You’ll walk away with a basic exercise plan that you can implement right away, and get plenty of ideas for adding more to these basics. Please wear comfortable clothing that allow you to move and join in the action.

This webinar is only available at the scheduled date and time.

Instructor: Jerrie Thurman, MA, is a senior wellness program manager and certified wellness coach for Stanford BeWell. She has degrees in exercise physiology and education and 35 years of experience as a certified fitness instructor.

Class details are subject to change.