Event Details
Event Type: Online Class

Apr 20 - Apr 27 2021
4:00pm - 5:30pm
At your computer/device
Enas Dakwar

Event Registration

Healthy Strategies to Cope with Emotional Distress

Emotional distress is a part of life that we all encounter sooner or later. While we cannot always control what life throws our way, we can develop coping skills that support our health and well-being.

This 2-session online class is designed to help you live in a constructive, compassionate, and mindful manner while maintaining a high self-standard. We will cultivate a safe space to learn how to tap into our resourcefulness and practice taking action that aligns with our values while challenging our limiting beliefs. Through interactive exercises, you will develop practical skills in mindfulness and relaxation techniques that you can apply when experiencing emotional distress in your daily life. To get the most benefit from this course, it is highly recommended for participants to attending to both sessions of this series.

Instructor: Enas S. Dakwar, PsyD, is a staff clinical psychologist at Stanford University’s Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS). In navigating her international and national work as a clinical psychologist over the past decade, she has been inspired by the facets of spirituality, humanism, culture, and community that cannot be separated from a holistic human psychology approach and way to healing.

Class details are subject to change.