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EERI 2019 Outstanding Paper Award given to Professors Deierlein and Miranda

March 1, 2021

EERI is pleased to announce the winner of the 2019 Outstanding Paper Award from Earthquake Spectra, “Development and Testing of a Friction/Sliding Connection to Improve the Seismic Performance of Gypsum Partition Walls,” Earthquake Spectra, Vol. 35, No. 2, pp. 653-677, authored by Stanford Alumnus Gerardo Araya-Letelier, Professor Eduardo Miranda, and Professor Gregory Deierlein.

Blume Center hosts Seminario Latinoamericano de Ingenieria Sismica Basada en Desempeno

August 4, 2020

The Blume Center hosted a Latin-America Seminar on Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering on August 3, 2020 organized by former and current Latin American PhD students.  The speakers: Jorge Ruiz-Garcia (PhD '04), Cristian Cruz (PhD '17) , Héctor Dávalos (PhD '18)  and Luis Ceferino (PhD '19), and current PhD candidates, Andrés Acosta-Vera, Armando Messina and Francisco Galvis, presented their

Vonner Receives Kay Bradley Award

June 13, 2020

Congratulations to Kim Vonner who received the 2020 School of Engineering Kay Bradley Award. The Kay Bradley Award recognizes a staff member in the School of Engineering who serve students with professionalism, friendliness, integrity, and devotion.  Selection is based on letters of support submitted by students.

Profs. Deierlein and Baker sign on to NAAHDRI Statement on Systemic Racism and Disasters

June 8, 2020

Over 70 leaders of academic hazards and disaster research centers across North America, including Professors Greg Deierlein (Director of JA Blume Center) and Jack Baker (Director of SURI), have signed on to this Statement on Systemic Racism and Disasters. We realize that stating these principles in writing matters, but it is living them out in life that matters most.

Professor Haeyoung Noh awarded Best Paper at IoTDI 2020

May 1, 2020

On April 23, 2020, Professor Haeyoung Noh and her co-authors: Carlos Ruiz (Carnegie Mellon University), Shijia Pan (University of California Merced), Adeola Bannis (Carnegie Mellon University), Ming-Po Chang (Carnegie Mellon University), and Pei Zhang (Carnegie Mellon University) were awarded Best Paper for the paper "IDIoT: Towards Ubiquitous Identification of IoT Devices through Visual and In

Stanford study points toward a more holistic way to measure the economic fallout from earthquakes

April 22, 2020

Officials know how to account for deaths, injuries and property damages after the shaking stops, but a new study, based on a hypothetical 7.2 magnitude quake near San Francisco, describes the first way to estimate the far greater financial fallout that such a disaster would have, especially on the poor.


Ph.D Candidate Yi Shao wins the First Place Paper Award at the 2nd international UHPC symposium

June 6, 2019

Prof. Eric Steinberg presented Ph.D. candidate Yi Shao with the First Place Paper Award on Tuesday, June 4 at the Awards Gala of Second International Interactive Symposium on UHPC at Albany, NY for his paper, ‘Utilizing Full UHPC Compressive Strength in Steel Reinforced UHPC Beams’.

Stanford Undergraduates Win EERI Seismic Design Competition in Vancouver

April 2, 2019

During the first week of March, a team of undergraduate students from the Civil & Environmental Engineering Department competed against thirty-seven other universities around the world at the 2019 Seismic Design Competition.  Held every year at the EERI Annual Meeting, this was the Stanford team's eighth time competing and was the first time our team has come in first place (they have also

Ph.D Candidate Maryia Markhvida wins the EERI 2018 Graduate Student Paper Award

March 18, 2019

The EERI Board of Directors presented Ph.D. Candidate Maryia Markhvida with the 2018 Graduate Student Paper Award on Thursday, March 7, 2019 at the EERI Honors Ceremony and Annual Business Meeting in Vancouver, British Columbia for her  paper, "Unification of seismic performance estimation and real estate investment analysis to model post-earthquake building repair decisions".

SEG Students win PHI Challenge

January 24, 2019

The 2019 PEER Annual Meeting "Seismic Resilience 25 Years after Northridge: Accomplishments and Challenges" was held last week to an audience that filled the venue capacity at the UCLA campus.

One of the highlights of the Meeting was the announcement of the winners of two major competitions hosted by PEER: the 2018 PEER Blind Prediction contest and the PHI Challenge.

Nepal: One year later, looking back at lessons learned on rapid assessment of earthquake damage of April 25, 2015

April 26, 2016

A little over a year ago one of the most destructive earthquakes in recent history killed 9,000 people in Nepal. It leveled entire towns, reduced ancient temples to rubble and set off an avalanche that buried 21 climbers on Mount Everest, making April 25, 2015, the deadliest day ever on the mountain.

NEHRP Graduate Fellowship Awarded to Scott Swenson

June 1, 2012

Scott Swenson, a Ph.D. candidate in structural engineering & geomechanics at Stanford University, has been selected as the 2012-2013 NEHRP Graduate Fellow in Earthquake Hazard Reduction. The Earthquake Engineering Research Institute awards fellowship each year in a cooperative program with the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program.