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Stanford Contributory Retirement Plan (SCRP)

Stanford Contributory Retirement Plan (SCRP)

The Stanford Contributory Retirement Plan (SCRP) is designed to help you save for your retirement through your own investment and a generous matching contribution from the university.

Plan Features

  • Variety—All employees can contribute before-tax dollars to the Tax-Deferred Account (TDA) or after-tax dollars to the Roth 403(b) starting after their first paycheck; eligible employees may also receive a generous matching contribution to the Contributory Retirement Account (CRA) after one-year of service
  • Access any time—Control your investments online through My Retirement Savings or by calling Fidelity at 888-793-8733
  • Convenience—The amount you want to invest is deducted automatically from your paychecks
  • Tax savings now—When contributions are deducted before taxes, you lower the amount of income tax you pay each pay period
  • Tax-deferred savings—In most cases, you pay no taxes on investments and earnings (if any) until you withdraw them
  • Investment variety—Choose from investments that range from conservative to aggressive
  • Portability—The TDA (but not the CRA) accepts rollovers of eligible savings from previous employer(s). When you leave Stanford, you can take your entire SCRP account balance with you
  • Catch-up contributions—If you are age 50 or older and make the maximum contribution to your account, you can make an additional “catch-up” contribution each year
  • Automatic annual increases—Enroll to automatically increase your contribution amount election each year

Plan Information

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There are three types of accounts in the SCRP: the Tax-Deferred Account (TDA), the Roth 403(b) and the Contributory Retirement Account (CRA). The differences between the accounts are eligibility and contribution types. View more information about eligibility

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Start with your very first paycheck. Learn how to enroll in the retirement savings plan

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You can elect before-tax or after-tax contributions to your accounts. If you qualify to participate in the CRA after one year of service, Stanford will make contributions on your behalf.  Learn about contributions

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Whether you are new to investing or a savvy financial planner, our investment options help you meet your financial goals. Learn about our free investment tools and financial counseling

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Understand when you can request a withdrawal, how to apply for one and at what age you are required to take one. Learn about your retirement savings distribution options

Circular icon of a pie chart with a larger green section and smaller white section

Loans & Hardship Distributions


This website provides a summary of eligibility, coverage, vesting, retirement dates, payment options and other subjects. However, the official Plan Document, together with certain annuity contracts and custodial agreements with investment providers (all as amended from time to time) govern the Plan’s actual operation and the determination and payment of benefits. In the event of any conflict between this website and the official Plan Document or any of the annuity contracts or custodial agreements, the Plan Document, annuity contract, or custodial agreement will govern.