The TGP Office must verify your child’s status for income tax purposes before approving your application. The TGP office may contact you for additional information to determine taxability of the benefit, prior to approving your application.
To view your child’s tuition payment status, navigate to the TGP portal in Axess. Then click on the red ‘Approved’ button which leads you to the screen containing the payment information. Payments will be listed towards the bottom of the screen.
Non-Taxable TGP Benefit
Generally, the TGP benefit is non-taxable and excluded from your gross income that Stanford reports to the I.R.S. for federal income tax purposes. However, your child must be claimed as your dependent on your federal income tax return for the year that includes the tuition payment date. We strongly advise parents to allow time for completion of all TGP payments for the upcoming term before making an inquiry to the school or the TGP Office. We have been issuing TGP payments for over 20 years, and are well equipped to meet all school deadlines.
- You will send a TGP Authorization Letter directly to your child’s institution.
- The school will invoice Stanford’s TGP Office, and payments will be made directly from TGP to the institution on behalf of your child.
- These payments are excluded from the employee’s gross income for federal income tax purposes and are thus tax-exempt.
- If you already paid the tuition prior to receiving your TGP Authorization Letter, we will still send the tuition payment to your child’s institution and the institution will be responsible for your reimbursement. We cannot send reimbursements to you.
If your child is 24 or older and is being claimed as a dependent on your federal tax return, a TGP Administrator may ask you to sign a Promissory Note for each tax year that the child will be utilizing the TGP program. The following year, you need to submit a copy of your taxes to TGP.
Taxable TGP Benefit
If your child is not claimed as your dependent on your federal income tax return for a particular year, TGP payments in that tax year will be reported as taxable income to the I.R.S.
You are required to pay your child’s tuition directly to their school.
- You will be reimbursed via payroll (for active employees) or via US mail (for Stanford retirees, emeriti or beneficiaries of deceased employees).
- These reimbursements are taxed and are considered taxable income.
If the TGP benefit is changing from Taxable to Non-Taxable, a TGP Administrator may ask for a signed promissory note.
Steps for making taxable tuition payments
Follow the steps below to make the tuition payments directly to the child's institution.
Paying Tuition:
After your application is reviewed and eligibility is determined, you will be issued a taxable Authorization Letter.
When you receive the invoice from your child's institution, you are responsible to pay the tuition costs directly to the school.
To be reimbursed, please provide a copy of the itemized invoice and proof of your child's tuition payment to the TGP office.
Invoice must include: institution name, student’s name, term, itemized tuition and fees.
Proof of payment: snapshot of bank/credit card statement, or copy of cancelled check.
- Send reimbursement documentation via email, US mail, or in person:
Stanford University
University Human Resources
Attn: Tuition Grant Program
505 Broadway, 5th Floor
Redwood City, CA 94063
Reimbursements for current employees will be processed within two pay periods on either the 7th or 22nd of the month, depending on the receipt date for proof of payment
Reimbursements for official retirees, emeriti or beneficiaries of deceased employees will be sent to your home address approximately 15 days after receipt date for proof of payment