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BABBLE: Back After Baby Bonding Leave Ends

Are you a parent preparing to return or recently returned from your maternity/paternity/baby bonding leave? As a working parent, you don’t want to miss this valuable virtual workshop on managing the transition back to work after the baby.

You’ll have an opportunity to:

  • Learn about sources of support at Stanford to help blend your work and family needs
  • Get actionable tips and ideas to help ease the transition back to work
  • Receive self-care resources, connect with other Stanford parents returning to work
  • And much more!

This quarterly workshop is intended for benefits-eligible faculty and staff who take a leave of absence for the arrival of a child. You are encouraged to register if you:

  • Plan to take a leave in the next three months
  • Are actively on leave
  • Have returned from a leave within the last three to six months

Partners and babies are welcome to join.

Dates offered

May 19, 2021
9:00am to 11:00am
July 21, 2021
9:00am to 11:00am
September 29, 2021
9:00am to 11:00am
This is BeWell Berry eligible.