Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the WorkLife Office (WLO) and child care operators have continued to follow Santa Clara County Public Health, Center for Disease Control (CDC) and Department of Social Services - Child Care Licensing regulations for school and child care operations.
Child care center operations have been significantly curtailed due to County shelter-in-place guidance. In an effort to keep our families and the Stanford community informed of on-site child care operations, this page will be updated as new information becomes available.
Additionally, we will update the COVID-19 Child Care FAQ and offer resources and support to assist families in navigating this challenging moment in time.
Winter Closure Operations Update (as of 10/21/20)
Stanford child care centers will remain open the week of Dec.14. Employees should check with their individual child(ren)’s child care center for closure days during the week of Dec. 21. General questions should be directed to the WorkLife Office.
Child Care Operations Restart Plan (as of October 22, 2020; restart plan is subject to change)
The county’s latest update to their shelter-in-place guidance allows the reopening of child care, assuming compliance with the group size and other business operation requirements. Below is the WLO's proposed timeline for reopening Stanford child care centers, which will align with the university’s staged restart. Additionally, WLO has developed a set of guiding principles and is leveraging these for decisions relative to re-opening child care centers, while also relying on the expertise and guidance of various university partners.
Enrollment Access
Formerly enrolled families have been contacted and invited to return to child care.
As a reminder for those that have been asked to continue to work from home, an invitation to return to campus child care does not mean you are authorized to return to your on-campus office or building. It is the expectation that after child care drop off, families will return to working from home.
Families Returning to Care
Families who have already returned or are considering returning to center-based child care are encouraged to have a back-up plan developed and in place should there be a COVID-19 exposure at their center. We cannot guarantee being able to keep child care open without interruptions due to COVID-19.
As a reminder, COVID-19 symptoms are often similar to cold and flu symptoms (e.g. sore throat, congestion, etc.). For the safety of our community, if you or your child show any cold or flu-like symptoms, please stay home. For families that have travel plans, please become familiar with the travel policy. Child care operators are adhering to Stanford’s travel policy.