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Volunteer Opportunities

A list of volunteer opportunities to help you connect and give back in the Stanford community and greater Bay Area.

We support and encourage you to contribute your talents to serve others through charitable or volunteer efforts. These are some of the groups that offer information and opportunities for involvement both on and off campus.

Cardinal at Work Cares

Thank you for celebrate generosity by participating in a compassionate act of your choice. 

Learn more about how you employees got involved

Help those impacted by the recent Bay Area wildfires

Northern California wildfires continue to burn across the Bay Area and have left many devastated and displaced from their homes. 

Learn how you can stay informed and help others

COVID-19 Volunteer Opportunities: 

View Stanford BeWell article: Helping those in need during COVID-19

Volunteering during work hours/on work days

Some volunteer opportunities may have events or activities that occur on your normally scheduled work day or during your normally scheduled work hours. 

  • Volunteer opportunities for community organizations would require use of accrued leave time for the work hours you are volunteering. 
  • Volunteer opportunities for Stanford organizations or Stanford-sponsored events should be discussed with your manager and local human resources office. 

Please discuss your volunteer intentions with your manager, as you would for any activity that causes you to be absent when you are scheduled to be working.

On-Campus Volunteer Opportunities


Environment and Sustainability

Hospitals and Health

Off-Campus Volunteer Opportunities

*This list is provided as a service only. We do not endorse any of these references. These resources are not exhaustive but a sample of local and national resources aimed at harnessing the power of volunteering.