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Flexible Work Pilots

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As of June 30, 18 schools/units* plan to participate in a flexible work pilot experience over the summer and fall. 

Everyone will play a role in the pilots, regardless of place. Whether you volunteer to return to on-site work or continue to work remotely, you will experiment with new workgroup processes, utilizing the tools provided by the Flexible Work Committee. This pilot process is iterative and will take many, many months.

To learn more about your school/unit plans, please contact your designated Flexible Work contact below. 


Point of Contact

Athletics (DAPER)*

Andrea Alfano

Business Affairs*

Charu Bhatia

Dean of Research*

Joe Noonan

Graduate School of Business (GSB)*

Rick Watanabe and Andrea Moore

Graduate School of Education (GSE)

Joanna Carr


Carmen Allison

Land, Buildings & Real Estate (LBRE)*

Amy Hartfield and Kathleen Kavanaugh

External Relations*

Michael King

Office of President & Provost

Christine Yam

Public Safety

Jamie Scalero

Residential & Dining Enterprises (R&DE)*

Ann Marie Musto

School of Earth, Energy and Environmental Sciences (SEEE)

Sue Crutcher

School of Engineering*

Scott Calvert

School of Humanities and Sciences*

Sumitra Krishnan and Julie-Hardin Stauter

School of Law

Angela Antia

School of Medicine (SoM)

Sarah Pokorny and Lakshmi Kalyanaraman


Pam Curry

Stanford Alumni Association (SAA)*

Michael King

Stanford Management Company (SMC)*

Maria Mills

University Human Resources (UHR)*

Victoria Hendel De La O and Irit Levi

University Libraries

Catalina Rodriguez

Vice President for the Arts

Mimi Wai and Angelica Woodward

Vice Provost for Student Affairs*

Gretchen Fuentes and Keyana Fountain

Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education*

Elizabeth Soroka, Jeanne Berent and Cheryll Ramirez