Stanford University

Health and Wellness

Stanford encourages its community to adopt and maintain a healthy lifestyle. This section includes tips and tools for optimizing your wellness.


BeWell is a Stanford University program that guides and empowers the Stanford community to live healthy lifestyles and create a vibrant culture of wellness through berries. Berries are health-related activities offered by BeWell to help you put your wellness goals into action. The Berry incentive provides rewards to eligible employees that complete wellness berries.

The following EH&S courses will earn participants credit for the Healthy Living Berry within the BeWell@Stanford employee incentive program upon completion:

  • Personal Emergency Preparedness (EHS-5090): Learn how to prepare yourself, your family and your home to survive the next disaster. You will receive information on emergency kits, family preparedness plans, fire safety, earthquake preparedness, and more.
  • Back Care: Safe Lifting/Handling (EHS-1400): Back Care is a hands-on course where attendees learn and practice techniques for safe lifting and carrying to prevent back injuries on the job.
  • Computer Workstation Ergonomics (EHS 3400): This training provides tips on how to prevent ergonomic problems that can arise from everyday computer use. Topics presented include proper setup of computer workstations, body postures, healthy work habits, and office stretch exercises.

Signup for the training courses at, in the STARS training tab. Email with questions.

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