1. What is the process for doing home improvements?

Please refer to the Home Improvements page for information about the process.

2. Who is responsible for a diseased or dead tree in my front yard?

Please contact Faculty Staff Housing and we will determine whether it is a Stanford or private tree. If it is a Stanford street tree, Stanford will remove and may replace it. Otherwise, a homeowner will be responsible for removal and may be required to replace it with another tree.

3. What is the process for selling my campus/ground-leased home?

Please refer to Selling or Renting Your Home for information about the process.

4. Do I need a real estate agent to sell my campus home?

It is your choice. Faculty Staff Housing provides all the forms and disclosures necessary to sell your home without a real estate professional. Many sellers choose to use a real estate agent to show their homes, negotiate with buyers and their agents, and complete the inspections and paperwork. The negotiated commission is generally paid by the seller to the seller’s agent.  The seller’s agent then shares the commission with the buyer’s agent, if there is one. Some sellers choose to hire a real estate attorney instead of a real estate agent to facilitate their transactions.

5. Can I get a listing of actual house prices for campus homes?

Not yet.  We are working on it.  

6. What is the process for renting my campus/ground-leased home?

Please refer to the rental section of the Selling or Renting Your Home page for more information.

7. Can Faculty Staff Housing list my off-campus home for sale or rent?

Faculty Staff Housing only lists leasehold homes for sale or rent. If you have an off-campus home without a ground lease, you may wish to list your home in the Stanford Report, local newspapers, or home rental websites.

8. How do I transfer the title of my leasehold home to a trust?

Please refer to the Lease Actions page for information about assigning a lease to a trust.

9. How do I extend my lease?

Please refer to the Lease Actions page for information about extending your lease.

10. Can I gift my campus home to my children after I die?

Your lease will prevail over any estate planning document. Upon the death of the last surviving eligible person, the estate is required to sell the property under the terms of the lease. Your estate planning document will specify how the proceeds will be distributed. If you wish to place your home in a trust, please refer to "Assigning a Lease to a Trust" on the Lease Actions page and complete an AAC&A request form.