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Cardinal Print Known Issues

These known issues may affect your experience with Cardinal Print.

Issue Workaround
CardinalPrint-SU.pkg can't be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software. Reason: MacOS 10.15 (Catalina) now requires all vendors get their application signed. This is a new security measure in this version of the operating system.  Right click or ctrl click CardinalPrint-SU.pkg and click Open. This will still bring up a warning but will allow you to open the file instead of only offering a cancel button. This issue will be fixed by the end of November, 2019. You can also print documents by printing from email or uploading them to the Cardinal Print Center.
You cannot change the login account when you use the Scan to Cloud button to scan to Box or Google Drive When you scan to Box or scan to Google Drive using the Scan to Cloud button, be sure to log in using your Stanford Box or Stanford Google account, not a personal account. Currently, you cannot change the account you used on a printer after you have logged in. Canon is working with the software vendor to fix to this, but (as of March 2018) it may take several months to fix.
When you scan a document and select the Send to Myself button, the email address that displays is SUNet@devicename rather than your email address. You must fill out your SU Contact information in StanfordYou to make your email address visible on a Cardinal Print device. To check or update this information:
  1. Go to StanfordYou.
  2. Select Maintain your directory and AlertSU emergency contact information.
  3. Review the "SU contact info" section to make sure it includes your email address.
  4. If needed, select change... to change the information, then select the save button.
When you use a Mac computer, or a PC that is not Stanford domain-joined, you see an additional pop-up login screen at the beginning of each session. This pop-up appears after you log out of or restart your computer. If you have a PC, you can have the computer joined to the Stanford domain. Consult your desktop support team to determine whether this is an option. There is no workaround for the Mac computer.
When you use Scan to Cloud for the first time, the screen turns black after the scan is completed and you press the Sign Out button. Push either of the top two buttons on the keypad to the right (Settings/Registration or Energy Saver) to return to the home page.
Last modified November 27, 2019