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Decade of Diversity: How tech failed to fix its gender disparity problem

Dec 28 2019


A lack of diversity is one of the biggest problems the tech industry faces, despite a significant growth in the number of women working in the tech industry, female representation has stalled over the last decade. Currently, just 18 percent of leadership roles are filled by women, and the stats are even bleaker for women of colorResearch has proven, on numerous occasions, that diverse teams are good for business — as they bring new perspectives, attract new talent, and improve company culture. This is why Alison Wynn, a research associate with the Stanford VMware Women’s Leadership Innovation Lab, spent the past year studying the implementation of a gender equality initiative at a Silicon Valley tech company. Wynn’s research titled “Pathways Towards Change,” explored how a tech company’s ideologies and inequality affect their efforts to change. Wynn found that executives tend to favor individualistic and societal explanations of gender differences and inequality, and didn’t attempt to change the structure of their organization.