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Research Overview

Image of See Bias Block Bias journal

The Lab combines basic and applied research to diagnose barriers to change, pilots solutions, and act as a hub for change across industry, academia, and beyond. We seek to advance women’s leadership across dimensions of difference and life stage, and across organizational contexts.

We take a holistic approach to diagnosing the barriers that women face at critical transitions – from the formation of leadership identity in school, to entry in professional arenas, to transitional roles and accessing critical assignments and senior leadership opportunities.

Our research asks two fundamental questions:

  • Creating Inclusive Workplaces: How can we create long-term, sustainable change in organizational cultures, processes, and management, in particular by reducing the negative effects of stereotypes on women’s career trajectories?
  • Empowering Change Agents: How can we empower individual change agents, from high school to the C-suite, in implementing change towards the advancement of women?

We actively test and disseminate solutions in both areas: modifying organizational culture, processes, team dynamics and culture for greater equity, and empowering individuals to enact change at the local level and in their own careers.