Working Papers

These papers are working drafts of research which often appear in final form in academic journals. The published versions may differ from the working versions provided here.

Petra Persson, Maya Rossin-Slater
January 22, 2021

We study how fathers’ access to workplace flexibility affects maternal postpartum health. We use variation from a Swedish reform that granted new fathers more flexibility to take intermittent parental leave during the postpartum period and...

Zhengyang Jiang, Hanno Lustig, Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh, Mindy Z. Xiaolan
January 19, 2021

When the government commits to a debt policy, the future value of government primary surpluses at all horizons is dictated by the debt dynamics under the risk-neutral measure. We compare the present discounted value of...

Benjamin Hébert, Michael Woodford
January 14, 2021

We derive a new cost of information in rational inattention problems, the neighborhood-based cost functions, starting from the observation that many settings involve exogenous states with a

Petra Persson, Xinyao Qiu, Maya Rossin-Slater
January 5, 2021

The health care system commonly relies on information about family medical history in the allocation of screenings and in diagnostic processes. At the same time, an emerging literature documents that treatment for “marginally diagnosed” patients...

Mohsen Bayati, Michael Aratow, Danqi Luo, Erica Plambeck
This paper provides evidence that the arrival of an additional low-acuity patient substantially increases the wait time to start of treatment for high-acuity patients, contradicting the long-standing prior conclusion in the medical literature that the eect is...
Julia Cage, Anna Dagorret, Pauline A. Grosjean, Saumitra Jha
December 22, 2020

Can heroes legitimize strongly-proscribed and repugnant political behaviors? We exploit the purposefully arbitrary rotation of French regiments to measure the legitimizing effects of heroic credentials. 53% of French line regiments happened to rotate under a...

Rebecca Diamond, Michael J. Dickstein, Timothy McQuade, Petra Persson
December 14, 2020

We study the dynamics of participation and health care consumption in the Affordable Care Act’s health insurance marketplaces. Unlike other health insurance contexts, we find individuals commonly drop coverage midyear — roughly 30% of enrollees...

Jose H. Blanchet, Martin I. Reiman, Virag Shah, Lawrence M. Wein, Linjia Wu
December 7, 2020

We consider a matching market where buyers and sellers arrive according to independent Poisson processes at the same rate and independently abandon the market if not matched after an exponential amount of time with the...

Sridhar Narayanan, Kirthi Kalyanam
December 2020

The availability of behavioral and other data on customers and advances in machine learning methods have enabled targeting of customers in a variety of domains, including pricing, advertising, recommendation systems and personal selling contexts. Typically,...

Justin Huang, Sridhar Narayanan
December 2020

In this study, we examine the impacts of attention and recognition received by a user’s content on a social network on that user’s subsequent engagement on the network, content creation and content sharing. The study...

Bong-Geun Choi, Jung Ho Choi, Sara Malik
November 30, 2020

This paper examines whether, when, and why job seekers use firms’ financial information in the job search process. We find first evidence of financial information’s relevance to job seekers by documenting a substantial increase in...

Dana Foarta, Massimo Morelli
November 24, 2020

Decision makers called to evaluate and approve a reform, proposed by an interest group, a politician, or a bureaucracy, suffer from a double asymmetric information problem: about the competence of the proposer and the consequences...

Ian D. Gow, David F. Larcker, Edward M. Watts
November 16, 2020

The lack of board diversity is one of the most controversial topics in corporate board governance. We investigate one important influence on diversity by studying whether shareholders value diversity on corporate boards in director elections....

Michael Ostrovsky
November 7, 2020

Choice screen auctions have been recently deployed in 31 European countries, allowing consumers to choose their preferred search engine on Google’s Android platform instead of automatically defaulting them to Google’s own search engine. I show...

Steven Grenadier
November 2020

Using a continuous-time model of litigation, we show that the increasingly popular practice of third-party litigation financing has ambiguous welfare implications. A defendant and a plaintiff bargain over a settlement payment. The defendant takes costly...

John Manuel Barrios, Jung Ho Choi, Yael V. Hochberg, Jinhwan Kim, Miao Liu
November 2020

We examine the relationship between public firm disclosure and aggregate new business formation. Consistent with the notion that public company disclosures provide information spillovers that reduce the extent of uncertainty about new investment opportunities, we...

Jean-Felix Brouillette, Charles I. Jones, Peter Klenow
November 2020
Sanath Kumar Krishnamurthy, Vitor Hadad, Susan Athey
October 25, 2020

Tractable contextual bandit algorithms often rely on the realizability assumption — i.e., that the true expected reward model belongs to a known class, such as linear functions. We investigate issues that arise in the absence...

Katherine Casey, Abou Bakarr Kamara, Niccolo Meriggi
October 20, 2020

Are ordinary citizens or political party leaders better positioned to select candidates?  While the direct vote primary system in the United States lets citizens choose, it is exceptional, as the vast majority of democracies rely...