Stanford University

Understanding Earth

We create knowledge to understand Earth and sustain its inhabitants.

What Makes Stanford Earth Different

We Teach


for the future
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We use

Data Science

To Understand Earth
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Where Our Programs Can Lead You

Our students leave Stanford for careers in the corporate, government, and nonprofit sectors. They work as scientists, engineers, data experts, conservationists, policy makers, attorneys, and physicians, among other professions.

Our Impact in the World

We make an impact through faculty research that uncovers how our planet works, by teaching the next generation to understand and manage Earth’s resources, and by communicating our science to policy makers, influencers and the public.

Research News

Discoveries and insight about Earth, its resources, and its environment.

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School Highlights

News about the School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences.

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Media Mentions

Stanford Earth faculty and young scientists in the media.

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Our Community

We are scientists! Undergraduates, graduate students, professors, educational staff, and alumni working professionals. We build community in our field trips, classes, and cocurriculars. We care about the Earth and making its resources available to people across the globe now and in the future.

A smiling woman wearing a lab coat.
A smiling blonde woman.
A couple of students out in examining plant leaves.
A dark haired woman with a camera in a bamboo forest.
Large quotation icon for visual emphasis

We face enormous hurdles as a society in dealing with a changing climate, over extraction of resources, and biodiversity loss. Still, I remain optimistic about our ability to identify and design solutions.

Elsa M. OrdwayPhD '18
A side profile headshot of a dark haired man.
A smiling man with glasses.
A smiling blonde woman at a chalkboard.
A smiling lady.
Large quotation icon for visual emphasis

I'm fascinated by the way our world works. I use technology to make visible what is not visible to the naked eye.

Biondo BiondiGeophysics Professor.

2019 Webby Award Nominee

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