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Important Information Regarding COVID-19

See the Registrar's COVID-19 and Academic Continuity page for information for students, faculty, and staff relevant to classes and academic activities and administration. (updated August 21, 2020)

Event Scheduling and 25Live

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Background Information

Events scheduled through the Registrar's Scheduling Office require approval by the Registrar's Scheduling Office and Stanford Events. These events are scheduled through the University Registrar's Office according to the policy outlined on the Stanford Events web site. Events must be consistent with the educational mission of Stanford University and intended primarily for Stanford faculty, students, staff, and alumni. Outside corporations and organizations must be sponsored by a Stanford school or department.

Many events are scheduled every year by the University Registrar's Scheduling Office. Please keep the following practices in mind:

  • Events taking place during peak class hours (M-F, before 6:00 pm) are not scheduled until after classroom assignments are finalized for the term (i.e., after the first two weeks of each quarter); academic classes always take priority over events.

  • Events taking place after 6:00 pm on weekdays or anytime on weekends cannot be scheduled until after class scheduling has been run for that quarter (e.g. mid July for Autumn and Winter quarters, early November for Spring, late January for Summer).

  • Non-academic events are scheduled according to guidelines determined by the Committee on Public Events, which is sponsored by the President's Office and Stanford Events.

  • Food and/or drink are strictly prohibited in Registrar’s classrooms.

Student Events

There are many facilities and resources on campus for student groups looking to reserve space for a meeting or an event. The policies and information about available student space can be found at the Student Activities and Leadership (SAL) web site.

Sponsorship for Non-Stanford-Affiliated Groups and Individuals

To use a facility on the Stanford Campus, any outside group or individual must have an official on-campus sponsor. A sponsor cannot be an individual; it must be either a University department or a student organization registered and approved by the Student Activities Leadership (SAL).

If a University department is sponsoring you or your group, only the head of the department may give the authorization to act as your sponsor. The department head will assign a contact person who has authority to sign forms under the department's account number. The contact person is the one who must contact RSO (Registrar Scheduling Office) to place the request.

If a student organization is sponsoring you, the president of the group must submit your request via Student Activities and Leadership web site.

An off-campus person cannot place a request with the Registrar's Scheduling Office (RSO). You must give details of your event to your sponsor.

Because Stanford University is a nonprofit educational institution with its assets and resources dedicated to its mission of research and education, federal and state laws as well as University practice generally prohibit it from raising money for or sharing in funds raised for outside organizations not directly affiliated with it. This prohibition includes, but is not limited to, religious groups, political groups, and unaffiliated nonprofit organizations. Any such group should seek other locations for fundraising activities.

Additional Campus Venues

In addition to the spaces that are scheduled by the Registrar’s Office, there are specific school or departmental venues that require the direct approval of the space-granting entity.

For further information regarding event policies, see the Office for Special Events and Protocol.

To Request an Event:

Staff: Please log in to 25Live and fill out the event creation form. Firefox is the recommended web browser. For a 25Live Tutorial is available for staff who are unfamiliar with the scheduling system.

Students: Contact SAL and fill out the event request.

Faculty: Contact your department administrator to request the space.

Non-Stanford Affiliated Groups and Individuals: You will need a Stanford sponsor to sponsor your event. Please see the information above regarding 'Sponsorship for Non-Stanford affiliated groups and individuals'.

For questions regarding policy, see the Stanford Events web site.