Regional Chapters

Stanford GSB has over 60 alumni chapters around the world, including 45 outside of the U.S. Each chapter is led by a team of alumni volunteers dedicated to keeping all of us connected and engaged with each other and the GSB.

A photo of the Bay Area Recent Alumni Ambassadors

The Bay Area Recent Alumni Ambassadors hosted a conversation with Emily Chang about gender inequality in Silicon Valley.

A photo of the GSB alumni with H.E., Ambassador John B. Emerson, Ambassador at the U.S. Embassy in Berlin

The German GSB Community was invited for an afternoon exchange with H.E., Ambassador John B. Emerson, Ambassador at the U.S. Embassy in Berlin.

A photo of a classroom with GSB Lecturer Matt Abrahams

Alums let loose with GSB Lecturer Matt Abrahams at the “Think Fast, Talk Smart” event in New York.

A photo of the GSB Alumni gathering for Winterfest in Minneapolis

GSB Alumni gathering for Winterfest in Minneapolis.

The Stanford China Economic Forum in Beijing promoted dialogue, an open exchange of ideas, and collaboration among alumni, scholars, and business leaders.

A group of alumni around a table

New York alumni gather at the Alvin Ailey Dance Theater for a performance and a night of dancing, networking, and celebrating African American culture.

Alumni events are happening all over the world. Update your alumni profile so you don’t miss out!

Volunteer with Us

Director, Global Chapters and Alumni Programs, Alumni Relations
Associate Director, Regional Programs, Alumni Relations
Associate Director, Alumni Relations
Assistant Director, Alumni Relations