Stanford University
Kate Maher and Andea Scott

Undergraduate Research

Be part of advancing science and new ideas

Stanford Earth offers undergraduates opportunities to participate in science and engineering research related to Earth's resources – from the oceans to climate change, energy resources and the evolution of life.

Stanford Earth Summer Undergraduate Research Program

SESUR offers Stanford students opportunities to work closely with faculty to explore questions related to the environment, energy, and Earth during the summer.

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Summer Undergraduate Research in Geoscience and Engineering Program

SURGE offers students from any U.S. institution to mentored research experiences at Stanford in the geosciences and engineering.

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Scholarships and seed grants for your research

Beagle II Award

The Beagle II Award is named after H.M.S. Beagle, the ship that carried Charles Darwin on a voyage of scientific discovery in 1831. The Anthropology department grant funds undergraduate research that encourages learning through travel. Support ranges up to $12,000. 

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Project grants

Stanford Undergraduate Advising and Research (UAR) awards grants ranging from $1,500 to $7,000 for independent student projects from all disciplines. Small Grants fund projects during any quarter, while Major Grants typically support full-time summer research commitments. 

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More research opportunities at Stanford and elsewhere

Learn more about research and internships for rising Stanford sophomores, juniors and seniors.

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Stanford Earth honors programs

Learn more about our undergraduate honors programs in Earth Systems, Geophysics, Geological Sciences, and Energy Resources Engineering

Faculty Research

Explore the research our faculty conduct - from nanoparticle analysis in service to clean water and big data capture to explain the effect of climate change on polar ice sheets.

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Jenny Saltzman
Jenny Saltzman
Associate Director of Educational Affairs


For additional information, contact Jenny Saltzman at (650) 725-2410 or

2019 Webby Award Nominee

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