Stanford University
Profile image for Audrey Yau

Audrey Yau

Lecturer, School of Earth, Energy and Environmental Sciences
Educational Affairs Program Director, School of Earth, Energy and Environmental Sciences
As the Educational Affairs Program Director and a Lecturer in the School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences, Audrey develops educational programs and courses that connect academic learning with real world applications. In this role, Audrey serves undergraduates, graduate students, and postdoctoral scholars in Stanford Earth.

She is an instructor in the Earth 1 Know Your Planet series of courses designed to introduce students to the breadth of the Earth sciences. Additionally, Audrey oversees the School's undergraduate peer advisors, who advocate for student needs within the School as well as create educational programs and social events for the undergraduate community at large.

In her role, Audrey has developed a series of Earth courses that support graduate students and postdocs in developing powerful portfolios that include academic excellence, professional skills, and personal development. In addition, she oversees the School's graduate student TA mentors, who serve as resources across the School in teaching assistance.

Audrey also hosts a series of co-curricular educational programs that allow undergraduates, graduate students, and postdocs the chance to gain practical experiences and knowledge. These include a peer-taught Skillshare series, a faculty-led Pro-Seminar series, and a variety of workshops throughout the year.
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