Stanford University
Faculty lined up at commencement ceremony

Congratulations to our 2022 graduates!

Diploma Ceremony 2022

The 2022 Stanford Earth Diploma Ceremony was held on Sunday, June 12 on the Mitchell Patio. Students from the class of 2020, class of 2021, and class of 2022 participated in the ceremony. 

Photos are available here.

Stanford Earth graduates: Stay engaged, remain hopeful, keep learning

More than any class before, the 2022 graduates of the School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences are prepared to navigate uncertainties in the pursuit of a life that brings happiness and meaning, according to Dean Stephan Graham.

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Pamela Matson receives Excellence in Teaching Award

Stanford Earth’s Excellence in Teaching Award is presented annually to an instructor during the diploma ceremony on commencement weekend. The honoree is selected based on nominations from students, faculty, and alumni.

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