March 15, 2010

Israel Nabs top Hamas Ops

In addition to murdering Israeli citizens notice who Udda is suspected of torturing. Not Israelis, but Palestinians. This is exactly how all Islamist insurgencies operate. They hate the kuffar (unbelievers), but they hate the murtadeen (apostates) even more. Which is what they label any one who opposes them and it gives them religious grounds for murdering their political enemies since under Islamic law apostates are killed.


Israel says they captured the last senior official of Hamas' armed wing still at large in the Ramallah area. Maher Udda was arrested at his home in an operation conducted jointly by the Israel Defense Forces, the Shin Bet security service and the Israel Police capping a decade of efforts by security forces to apprehend him.

Udda, 47, from the village of Ein Yabrud, north of Ramallah, joined Hamas in the early 1990s and headed a Hamas cell in his village that was involved primarily in the capture and interrogation of Palestinian civilians suspected of collaboration with Israel.

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at March 15, 2010 03:30 PM | | l digg this