Ambassadors program


Wednesday, March 17, 2010
PMW Bulletins
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Fatah proud of women fighters, Martyrs, and Virgin Mary
Fatah lists "Palestinian" women of whom it is proud: Martyrs, fighters, prisoners and the Virgin Mary, in its statement for International Women's Day. (March 17, 2010)

Israel Radio interviews PMW director Itamar Marcus on incitement
The PA conveys a uniform message of non-recognition of Israel and incites to hatred through all communication channels under its control. (March 17, 2010)

PA TV kids' show wipes Israel off the map
PA TV continues reinforcing message to children that Israel does not exist. (March 16, 2010)

PA Libel: Israel tried to burn down Al-Aqsa Mosque in 1969
As Palestinians continue almost daily rioting in Jerusalem the PA has chosen to renew a libel whose goal seems to be to increase the unrest and rioting. (March 15, 2010)
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Featured Video

Palestinian children: Martyrdom for Allah is preferable to life and suicide terror is natural

Historically Important Video

Historic PLO vote did not change PLO Charter calling for Israel’s destruction


Palestinians present The Protocols of the Elders of Zion as authentic

"Kill a Jew; go to Heaven," report analyzing Palestinian incitement to genocide

Report presented in Foreign Affairs Committee: A Palestinian state will ally with America's enemies

Report presented in Norway's Parliament on Norwegian funding of PA hate TV (Oct. 2008)

PMW report: 12th grade Palestinian schoolbooks, released with Hillary Clinton in Senate

PMW Report: PA hate libels from 1997-2000 that led to the 5 year Terror War
Daily News
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Mar. 15, 2010 Fatah: "Our right to honor" terrorist Dalal at "popular inauguration"
Mar. 15, 2010 Fatah leaders celebrate terrorist Mughrabi at "popular inauguration"
Mar. 16, 2010 Monument to terrorist Dalal Mughrabi is not terror says Dahlan
Mar. 16, 2010 PA researcher: Israel steals organs from Palestinian Martyrs
Mar. 14, 2010 PA TV interviews terrorist's sister on anniversary of terror attack
Special Reports
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Putting murder to Music

Mothers Joyous of children’s Martyrdom death

Jesus the first Palestinian Martyr
PA Personalities
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Yasser Arafat
Late Palestinian Authority Chairman

Muhammad Dahlan
senior Fatah leader, former head of PA security

Mahmoud Abbas
Palestinian Authority Chairman
PMW Impact
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Carroll: Making Israel disappear
PMW interviewed to Der Spiegel
Think Again: Why incitement is such a big deal
Hamas children's TV program again calls for the 'slaughter of Jews'
Hostages to fear and systematic loathing in Israel

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