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About Us

Founded in 1996, Palestinian Media Watch is an Israeli NGO that studies Palestinian society from a broad range of perspectives by monitoring and analyzing the Palestinian Authority through its media and schoolbooks. PMW’s major focus is on the messages that the Palestinian leaders, from the Palestinian Authority, Fatah and Hamas, send to the population through the broad range of institutions and infrastructures they control.

PMW’s many reports and studies on Palestinian summer camps, poetry, schoolbooks, crossword puzzles, religious ideology, women and mothers, children's music videos and the PA’s indoctrination of adults and children to seek Shahada (Martyrdom), have had significant impact on the way the world sees the Palestinians. PMW has presented its findings before members of US Congress and to members of Parliament in numerous countries, including the European Union, Britain, France, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Canada and Australia, and has lectured at universities and conferences world wide.

PMW material has been presented before the Foreign Affairs Committee in the US Congress and the US Senate Committee on Allocations. In addition, PMW reports regularly on how foreign aid is misused by the PA for terror promotion. These reports have led to changes in legislation and funding procedures. Through its bulletins and reports, PMW continues to give the world a precise understanding of the reality of the Palestinian Authority.
Who’s who at PMW
Itamar Marcus, Director
Itamar Marcus, Founder and Director of Palestinian Media Watch, is one of the foremost authorities on Palestinian ideology and policy. Mr. Marcus was appointed by the Israel Government to represent Israel in negotiations with the Palestinian Authority on Incitement. He has presented analyses of Palestinian ideologies in academic, cultural and government frameworks, including hearings, lectures and briefings to members of US Congress and Senate, the Canadian, British, French, German, Norwegian, Swiss and Australian Parliaments, and members of European Parliament. He has lectured at conferences and at universities and to senior security officials world wide. He gives analysis on CNN, FOX News, BBC, and the full range of world TV news.
Barbara Crook, Associate Director
Barbara Crook is associate director and North American representative of Palestinian Media Watch.
She has lectured about PMW research in the US and throughout Canada. Along with PMW founder and director Itamar Marcus, she has presented PMW’s findings to senior politicians in Canada and the U.S. She has co-authored numerous reports with Itamar Marcus, including Four Loopholes in USAID Funding Laws, which resulted in amendments to the U.S. Foreign Operations Bill, and Kill a Jew – Go to Heaven, a study of Palestinian Authority anti-Semitism. She and Mr. Marcus are regular contributors to the OpEd sections of the Jerusalem Post, The National Post and other newspapers.
A native of Montreal, Ms. Crook has degrees from Queen’s University and the University of Western Ontario, and was a Southam Fellow at the University of Toronto. She was a full-time writer and editor at daily newspapers in Ottawa and Vancouver from 1983 to 1998, and spent five years as a lecturer in the School of Journalism and Communications at Carleton University in Ottawa, where she is now based.
Nan Jacques Zilberdik, Analyst
Nan Jacques Zilberdik is an analyst at Palestinian Media Watch.
Nan focuses her research on the opinions and messages of the Palestinian leadership as transmitted to the Palestinian public, with an emphasis on the impact of Palestinian education on peace, messages and values communicated to children, and glorification of terrorists. In addition, Nan also researches the misuse of foreign aid by the PA to promote hatred and terror.
Nan co-authors PMW news bulletins and reports with Itamar Marcus, including PA Violations of the Road Map, which was presented in the Foreign Affairs Committee of US Congress. Nan lectures on Palestinian society in English, Hebrew, Danish and German.
Nan holds an MA in Israel Studies and Communications from the University of Copenhagen and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She has written, edited and translated academic research papers, political texts and articles for newspapers, scientific journals and the internet.
About our translators, Arabic & Hebrew
All PMW translators are experts in Arabic with many years of study and experience. For some, Arabic is their mother tongue. Our translators study Palestinian society by monitoring written and visual media for hours daily and all have a profound understanding of the Palestinian world.

Why does PMW publicize negative news items from the PA media and education?

Who are the PMW translators?

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