Ambassadors program


Our Impact

Making a Difference
U.S. Congressman urging PA to crack down on anti-Israel incitement
"The work of Palestinian Media Watch to expose anti-Israel incitement within the PA seems to be bearing fruit. Congressman Steve Rothman (D-NJ) has begun circulating a letter in Congress urging the PA to crack down on anti-Israel incitement."
Mar. 1, 2010
PMW credited by Canadian minister for change in understanding of Middle East
"Kenney said he once shared the view that "Israel is a bully in the Middle East" serving as a colonial outpost of the United States. But his worldview changed dramatically after viewing a one-hour presentation by Palestinian Media Watch."
Sept. 17, 2009
Norwegian MP calls for end to PA funding following PMW report
Fierce debate in Norway over the use of Norwegian money to fund PA hate propaganda and glorification of terrorists.
July 6, 2008
Media uproar in Britain over funding of PA hate education
PMW documentation: British aid funds incitement to terrorism and killing of British troops.
Jan. 31, 2008
Congress freezes $150 million to PA due to PMW report
A freeze was put on $150 million in aid to the PA by the Appropriations Committee of the US Congress following a PMW report documenting inciting comments made by Mahmoud Abbas.
Mar. 1, 2008

PMW in the Media

Christian Broadcasting Network - Mar. 11, 2010
On his website, [PMW Director Itamar] Marcus documents the glorification of Mughrabi and other martyrs in the official Palestinian media. He says it reflects the kind of values that permeate Palestinian society. These values of glorifying terror and terrorists are often out of sight of much of the Western media and not visible at photo ops with Palestinian leaders and visiting dignitaries like Vice President Biden. But this kind of glorification of terrorists in Palestinian society helps indoctrinate one more generation of Palestinians into terror. Marcus – who has studied this kind of incitement for more than a decade – believes genuine peace will come when Palestinian society goes through a detoxification of values that glorify terror and terrorists. - Mar. 12, 2010
The story was in the best tradition of the fallacy about one man's terrorist being another's "freedom fighter." The Times headline reflected this moral ambivalence: "Palestinians Honor Figure Reviled in Israel as a Terrorist." For Palestinians quoted in the piece, including Fatah officials, Mughrabi was a heroine who was "every Palestinian girl," rather than a heartless killer who helped mow down 38 human beings, including 13 children, before being killed herself by Israeli forces. As for this being an isolated incident, as Palestinian Media Watch has reported, the drumbeat of incitement against Israel and the glorification of violence against Jews is unceasing. Indeed, as even the Times notes, "the Palestinians also named two girls' high schools, a computer center, a soccer championship and two summer camps for Ms. Mughrabi in the last two years."

The New York Times - Mar. 11, 2010
Palestinian Media Watch, an Israeli monitoring group that highlights examples of anti-Israel incitement by Palestinians, has been tracking the plans to name the square for months. The group says that the Palestinians also named two girls high schools, a computer center, a soccer championship and two summer camps for Ms. Mughrabi in the last two years.

The Jerusalem Post - Mar. 11, 2010
""One of the biggest problems is the incitement, and how it creates heroes and role models for kids. The naming of the square is a clear message that whoever kills most Israelis is the greatest hero," Marcus said. Marcus said his organization has been in contact with Kuperwasser, the director-general of the Strategic Affairs Ministry, and discussed creating an index that would quantify the incitement."

The Santa Cruz Sentinel - Mar. 10, 2005
"In the days leading up to PMW Director Itamar Marcus' speech at an American university, posters advertising his speech were defaced."

Current Activities

Presentations around the world
PMW continuously presents its findings to audiences around the world and in Israel. See some of the upcoming PMW presentations:
Nov. 18, 2008

What They’re Saying About Us
Senator Hillary Clinton and PMW in joint press conference introducing report on Palestinian schoolbooks
"It is my privilege once again to join Palestinian Media Watch … Itamar Marcus, who has been a steadfast leader, has helped to deliver this message which we repeat again today... Hate has no place in the curriculum of schools, and the glorification of violence has no place in the education of children…”
Feb. 8, 2007
Senator Sam Brownback, (Rep.):
"The violence and hatred being promoted to children by the Palestinian Authority through its media and schoolbooks is made dismayingly clear by PMW's invaluable report..."
Mar. 1, 2007
Binyamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister, (Likud):
"Education is the key to peace... . This (PMW) study exposes this culture of hate and thereby helps to correct it."
Mar. 20, 2007
MK Michael Melchior, Knesset Education Committee Chairman, (Labor):
"Anybody who is for peace has to outraged by these (PMW) findings....You can't have agreements while this kind of hatred is inculcated in the children."
Mar. 20, 2007

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