Sunday, April 11, 2010

Nobel Prize Winners by country

Notice how there are no Muslim-majority countries on this list.

Source URL:

Monday, March 08, 2010

Doing the will of a fanatical god

The son of the founder of Hamas, Mosab Hassan Yousef, recently came out to be a convert from Islam to Christianity, and also admitted to being a secret agent for Shin Bet, the Israeli intelligence-gathering agency, for over ten years.

Mosab Yousef made this very important point in the Wall Street Journal's interview (emphasis added):

(Does he) consider (his) father a fanatic? “He’s not a fanatic,” says Mr. Yousef. “He’s a very moderate, logical person. What matters is not whether my father is a fanatic or not, he’s doing the will of a fanatic God. It doesn’t matter if he’s a terrorist or a traditional Muslim. At the end of the day a traditional Muslim is doing the will of a fanatic, fundamentalist, terrorist God. I know this is harsh to say. Most governments avoid this subject. They don’t want to admit this is an ideological war.

“The problem is not in Muslims,” he continues. “The problem is with their God. They need to be liberated from their God. He is their biggest enemy. It has been 1,400 years they have been lied to.”

Mosab is a hero for coming from darkness into light, for courageously admitting the truth, and for saving an uncounted number of lives.   

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Goodbye for Now

It was many years ago now that I first started contributing to this great website. I have enjoyed contributing ever since.

However, in recent times, I have found it rather difficult to post items here, simply because time has been tight on my end, and because of family commitments and health issues. They, of course, have had to take first place.

Some of those commitments and issues have now eased and resolved themselves. Alas, I still feel unable to fully commit to contributing here. I have several websites of my own: A New Dark Age Is Dawning, Shrewd Economist, and Florabunda. They take much of my time.

I have enjoyed every minute of my contribution to this website. Naturally, I shall miss contributing. But as I wish to spend more time writing books, I feel that this is a necessary, but unwelcome, step forward. I hope that you will understand.

Do, please, visit me at my other websites. You will be most welcome on all of them.

Stay cool!

Kindest regards to all,


Mahathir bin Muhammad's Madding Judeophobia/Antisemitism

Comments by David G. Littman - NGO Representative of the Association for World Education (AWE) and the World Union for Progressive Judaism (WUPJ) to the United Nations in Geneva:

Robert Spencer's "Islamic Nazis" is a very welcome reminder of what's on the horizon for us all.

In his recent idiocies at a ceremony held for a book titled Civilizations, Nomadic Migrations, Empires and The Trail of Islam at the Islamic Arts Museum in Kuala Lumpur, former Prime Minister Mahathir bin Muhammad seriously referred to the 9/11 Jihadist horror jokingly, with the following comments :

"The way the tower came crashing down was also funny (...) I have great respect for the Arabs but for them to hijack four planes is not very Arab. Just imagine the amount of planning that would be involved." Rejecting any claims that he was being insensitive to the victims, Mahathir stressed that he was "being more sensitive to the victims" as he was simply saying the attacks were carried out "deliberately." He also said that his views about how 9/11/2001 attacks were carried out would not affect Malaysia's chances of attracting foreign investment. "I have said this many times even when I was the prime minister. But we still have the foreign direct investment. However, we cannot rely on foreign direct investments alone. We must build on our own system," he said.

On several occasions I have denounced, at the UNCHR, the crass lunacies of Mahathir bin Muhammad - but no condemnation emanated from the 'international community's conscience of the world'. Below is an extract from WUPJ's Appeal to Acting High Commissioner for Human Rights Bertrand Ramcharan, which I drafted 6½ years ago, having raised the matter earlier in an oral statement at the UN Commission on Human Rights. Rabbi François Garaï and I signed it and The National Review reprinted it in Oct. 21, 2003.

To Acting High Commissioner for Human Rights Bertrand Ramcharan
on Prime Minister Mahathir bin Muhammad's Madding Judeophobia

(...) In fact, Prime Minister Mahathir Muhammad was simply true to form. Already in October 1986, a day after PLO-dissident Abu Nidal's killers massacred 23 Jews at worship in Istanbul's "Gates of Peace" synagogue (Neve Shalom), he told the 101-Member Movement of the Non-Aligned countries (Harare, Zimbabwe): "The expulsion of Jews from the Holy Land some two thousand years ago and the Nazi oppression have taught them nothing. If at all, it has transformed the Jews into the very monsters that they condemn so roundly in their propaganda material. They are apt pupils of Dr Goebbels." (New York Times / IHT - October 8, 1986).

On that occasion also, not one 'Non-Aligned' delegation reacted. Two months later Malaysia inaugurated an "Anti-Jews Day" (New York Times, Dec. 8, 1986), and during his State visit to Great Britain in July 1987 he again affirmed: "The Jews have been apt pupils of Dr. Goebbels." In March 1994 Schindler's List was banned in Malaysia - on the grounds that it was "Jewish propaganda." In 1997 he blamed the Asian financial crisis on the "Jews," explaining his views: "We are Muslims, and the Jews are not happy to see Muslims progress."

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Arabs Are Full Of Hotair

From Ha'aretz (too lazy to link the darn story):

We will issue a warrant for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's arrest if it turns out Israeli intelligence was behind last month's killing of a Hamas strongman, Army Radio quoted Dubai's police commissioner on Thursday.

Dubai's police chief Dahi Halfan referred to the January 20 assassination of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, who was reportedly responsible for the smuggling of Iranian arms to Gaza.

Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, will be the first to be wanted for justice as he would have been the one who signed the decision to assassinate [Mahmoud] al Mabhouh in Dubai. We will issue an arrest warrant against him," Halfan told the U.A.E. site The Natioanl.

The Dubai police chief also said that the method used to kill al Mabhouh, was a Mossad method, but did not elaborate further.

On Wednesday, Dubai's police chief warned international intelligence agencies from working "behind our back," saying anyone who did so "should be wary of his own back.

Halfan added that that threat was also applicable "to any intelligence organization around the world, whether Mossad, Hamas or any other agency."

The Dubai police chief added that he believed the Hamas leader was in Dubai for business and not for any kind of arms transactions.

Halfan added that if Al-Mabhouh would have been interested in meeting Iranian officials in Dubai, as the Israeli media has claimed, he could have done so in either Syria or Iran itself.

The Dubai police commissioner refused to reveal the identity of the suspects linked to the incident, denying a Hamas claim that the assassins had entered the country by participating in Minister Uzi Landau's entourage, when he visited Dubai earlier that month.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Gathering Storm Radio Show

If you were unable to listen to Friday's show live, you can listen to it here.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Depressed Souls In A Lost City

Lately I have been so busy that I haven't been able to either make any videos or write about anything whatsoever. I just don't have the time to write regularly--my job is keeping me busy.

However, I have had the time to notice what's going on around me. First off, I notice more and more that there are less people on the flights, especially from Europe. And even the people that are flying are not going to Dubai as tourists, no, they are just connecting onwards to other destinations.

Every year, around December, we have a shopping festival here in Dubai and usually its hyped up with advertisements all over the place but this year we haven't heard a word about it. It might have something to do with the financial crisis that the government here pretends doesn't exist...but then I am just saying "it might" be the reason.

When the Israelis attacked the terrorists in Gaza (because they were tired of getting rocket attacked every day), there were places after places where they were asking for aid for the "poor children and families of Gazans". When Pakistan was hit by an earthquake (I believe it was 2005), again there were places for aid. However, no one gives a crap about Haiti. Yeah, I haven't seen any outcry about the way Muslim countries are not even willing to extend a helping hand. But of course the Swiss decide to ban minarets and the whole UMMA comes crying down on the Swiss.

Oh and just to add to all of this, I also noticed that a Hamas leader was murdered in Dubai. Aw, that's so sad!! I don't think anyone should ask what he was doing in Dubai in the first place--I thought Islam was a religion of peace and that Dubai was a prime example of how Muslims were "oh so modern" and tolerant of everyone and "oh so against violence".

This was just a random update on the depressed souls in this lost city.

For now, I am alive and well!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Our Great Hero! New Dark Age Alert! Geert Wilders' Warning to America

Part 1:

Part 2:

Hat tip: Eleanor >>>

Geert Wilders in Dutch Court Over Anti-Islam Comments

THE TELEGRAPH: Geert Wilders, a popular anti-Islamic politician, went on trial in Amsterdam on Wednesday, charged with inciting hatred against Muslims in a case seen as a test of Dutch tolerance and free speech.

Mr Wilders sparked outrage with his 2008 film "Fitna", which compared Islam to Nazism, and his repeated calls for the Koran to be banned on the same basis as Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf.

His Freedom Party is leading the opinion polls in the Netherlands and came second in European elections last June.

"I remain combative and still convinced that this political process will only lead to an acquittal," said Mr Wilders.

"It is surreal that I sit in a courtroom, in a criminal court. I never had any idea this would happen." >>> | Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Fitna the Movie

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Westergaard Wants to Meet His Would-be Killer

BBC: Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard says he wants to meet the man accused of trying to kill him.

Mr Westergaard has been the target of at least three murder plots after drawing a cartoon of the Prophet Mohammed with a bomb in his turban. He was attacked in his home on New Year's Day.

After spending two weeks in a safe house, he has now returned home.

Malcolm Brabant reports. Watch BBC video >>> | Tuesday, January 19, 2010

BBC: What the Muhammad cartoons portray: Twelve caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad published in 2005 had a huge impact around the world, with riots in many Muslim countries the following year causing deaths and destruction - so what do the drawings actually say? >>> | Saturday, January 02, 2010