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March 23, 2010

March 21, 2010

Fishing Gone? »

by Rich Trzupek

How a new Obama administration taskforce may pave the way for a ban on sport fishing. ...

March 19 2010 / 48 comments / Read More »

Silencing the Jews »

by Andrew G. Bostom

"Moderate" Muslim Tarek Fatah objects to a synagogue holding a discussion regarding Muhammad's child bride. ...

March 19 2010 / 19 comments / Read More »

March 19, 2010

The Generals »

by David Forsmark

A new book tells the stories of four generals who changed the modern U.S. Army. ...

March 18 2010 / 25 comments / Read More »

March 17, 2010

Click Here to Tune in to David Horowitz TV

Brian Wesbury: “It’s Not As Bad As You Think”

Brian Wesbury, Part 2

Tipping the Scales of Justice With Bloated IdeologyTipping the Scales of Justice With Bloated Ideology

This Wednesday (March 24) the Senate Judiciary Committee is holding hearings to consider the nomination of progressive... »

Americans, Get Up & FIGHTAmericans, Get Up & FIGHT

The Path to ObamaCare Has Revealed the Sickness of Left-Wing GovernanceThe Path to ObamaCare Has Revealed the Sickness of Left-Wing Governance

In the wake of ObamaCare’s victory and the ugliness of its path to the president’s desk, it’s hard not to conclude that... »

The Health Care Battle Will Continue Until At Least 2012The Health Care Battle Will Continue Until At Least 2012

The health care battle isn’t quite over. Many states are going to fight it as unconstitutional, and the GOP is on track to... »

Ann Coulter hits back, threatens Human Rights complaintAnn Coulter hits back, threatens Human Rights complaint

I could have told you this would happen if you ever got Ezra Levant and Ann Coulter in the same room together (see above... »

The Art of Political War for Tea Parties

The Art of Political War for Tea Parties

Last week’s election of Scott Brown was a monumental moment in American politics. It showed that the tidal wave slowly building all across the country has finally crested. In Brown’s victory, along with...

Barack Obama’s Rules for Revolution – The Alinsky Model By David Horowitz

Barack Obama’s Rules for Revolution – The Alinsky Model By David Horowitz

Dear DHFC Supporter, When you take a hard look at what Barack Obama already has done and plans to do, you quickly realize he is not Jimmy Carter. He is not even Bill Clinton....

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From the Writings of David Horowitz: March 23, 2010 »

Every movement has its moment of truth. At an “anti-war” teach-in at Columbia last week, Anthropology professor Nicholas De Genova told 3,000 students and faculty,...

Mar 23 2010
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Santa Barbara Retreat

April 23 – 25, 2010

Santa Barbara, CA

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Kashmir: “We are ready for jihad, we are ready for jihad!”

Misunderstanders of Islam gather together and misunderstand the inner spiritual struggle. "Pakistani hardliners vow holy war to liberate Kashmir," by Sajjad Qayyum for AFP, March 23: KOTLI, Pakistan -- Pakistani hardliners on Tuesday vowed to wage a holy war to liberate the disputed Himalayan state of Kashmir from Indian control.......

Mar 23, 2010 / More »

US Navy warning: Jihadists threaten ships off Yemen

Emboldened by Western weakness. "US Navy warns al-Qaida threatens ships off Yemen," from AP, March 23 (thanks to John): CAIRO - The U.S. Navy is warning of possible al-Qaida attacks against ships off the coast of Yemen, where an offshoot of the terrorist network has established a significant base of......

Mar 23, 2010 / More »

Al-Qaeda in Iraq top dog says the jihad will go on

Not giving up. "Al-Qaida leader in Iraq calls for continued jihad," from AP, March 23: CAIRO -- The self-described leader of an al-Qaida front group has called for continued jihad against Iraq's American "occupiers" after the March 7 election that he claims was boycotted by most Sunni Arabs. In a......

Mar 23, 2010 / More »

Copies of “The Case For Israel: Democracy’s Outpost” Still Available For Students

To reserve your copy and host a screening, contact Jeff at or 818-849-3470 ext 206. A summary of the film is provided here after the link. ...

Jan 21, 2010 / More »

FIRE – Temple University Charges Unconstitutional ‘Security’ Fee for Geert Wilders Event; Dutch Trial Begins Today over Controversial Expression

* Newsroom o Press Releases o Media Coverage o For the Media o Speech Code of the Month ...

Jan 21, 2010 / More »

Professor at Binghamton University Murdered by Islamist Grad Student

Professor Richard Antoun, Antropology professor known for his book "Understanding Fundamentalism: Christian, Islamic, and Jewish Movements," was stabbed to death inside a University science building. The suspect has been identified as Abdulsalam Al-Zahrani, 46, a cultural anthropology student who was working on his dissertation. ...

Dec 7, 2009 / More »

Tell Me Again—Why Is He at Princeton?

Van Jones, the Oakland, Calif.-based radical activist and author who was forced to resign his post as the Obama administration’s “green jobs czar” in September now has a new post: on the faculty of Princeton University.


Mar 21, 2010 / More »

Texas Conservatives Win Curriculum Change

After three days of turbulent meetings, the Texas Board of Education on Friday approved a social studies curriculum that will put a conservative stamp on history and economics textbooks.


Mar 18, 2010 / More »

Victory for Free Speech on Campus: Federal Court Strikes Down Gun Rights Protest Restrictions at Tarrant County College

Late yesterday, in a striking victory for the First Amendment on campus, a federal district court in Texas ruled that a number of restrictions on students’ speech at Tarrant County College (TCC) are unconstitutional.


Mar 16, 2010 / More »

Recapturing the University: The Hybrid Alternative

In the contemporary battle within the social sciences between free market think tanks and liberal- dominated universities, the former labor under a huge disadvantage: they lack students.


Mar 15, 2010 / More »
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