
April 7, 2010, 9:06 pm

Why Do We Still Have Mining Disasters?

Updated, April 8, 7:05 p.m. | Thomas G. Andrews, a historian and author of “Killing for Coal,” joins the discussion.

The exact cause of an explosion that killed at least 25 workers in a West Virginia mine on Monday has yet to be identified. But federal safety officials said that the Upper Big Branch mine had been cited for 1,342 safety violations since 2005, including a number linked to the ventilation of methane.

After the disaster — the worst mine accident in the United States in more than two decades — federal regulators and members of Congress said they would investigate and seek new safety protections.

Why, after such a long history of injury and death, does coal mining remain so dangerous? Why haven’t previous regulatory crackdowns — notably after the 2006 Sago mine disaster in West Virginia in 2006 — averted this latest disaster?

Accidents Are Not Inevitable

Beverly A. Sauer

Beverly A. Sauer is a professor at the Georgetown University McDonough School of Business. She is the author of “The Rhetoric of Risk: Technical Documentation in Hazardous Environments.”

As West Virginia’s governor articulated, the explosion at the Upper Big Branch Mine reminds us of the extreme hazards that miners face in supplying the nation’s energy needs at an affordable price.

How automation and other technical advances may worsen safety risks, not reduce them.

In acknowledging this risk, we must remember the principal lesson of the 2006 Sago mine disaster, which killed 12 workers: that mine accidents need not necessarily become human tragedies.

Mine disasters seem inevitable because they are dramatic and all-too-frequent reminders of the dangerous and uncertain conditions in which miners work. This most deadly disaster should remind us, however, not to overthrow common sense mining practices as we design new technologies to improve mine safety.

In hindsight, the history of violations at the Upper Big Branch Mine provided unheeded signals that the mine was at risk. The mine had a history of roof falls and problems with ventilation and dust — the chief ingredients of a mine explosion. Roof falls did not cause the disaster, but roof falls may precipitate disaster directly when they crush miners under unprotected roof.

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The Politics of a Dangerous Business

Jeff Goodell

Jeff Goodell, a contributing editor at Rolling Stone, is the author of “Big Coal: the Dirty Secret Behind America’s Energy Future” and “How to Cool the Planet: Geoengineering and the Audacious Quest to Fix Earth’s Climate.”

There are two basic reasons why mine safety reforms have failed. The first is simply that tunneling deep into the earth to extract coal is a dangerous business.

The real lesson of this tragedy may be that the best way to make mines safer is to make politics cleaner.

The coal industry likes to tout its improved safety record in recent years — and it’s true, the number of fatalities in coal mines today is far lower than it was several decades ago. But the main reason for this decline is a shift in mining practices: the majority of coal in the U.S. now comes from big surface mines, which are much cheaper and safer to operate (although in Appalachia, this shift has lead to the environmentally devastating practice known as mountaintop removal mining).

Underground coal mining is especially risky in Appalachia, where they have been mining coal for 150 years, and where much of the easy-to-get coal has long been mined out. What’s left is increasingly difficult and dangerous to extract, even with today’s improved mining technology. Simply put, if you’re mining coal in these kinds of conditions, you’re going to have accidents, and workers are going to die.

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How Deaths Are Prevented

Price Fishback

Price Fishback is the Frank and Clara Kramer Professor of Economics at the University of Arizona, a research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research and co-editor of the Journal of Economic History.

The New York Times reported that the Massey mine disaster in West Virginia has raised questions about why stricter federal mining laws enacted after the 2006 Sago mining disaster failed to prevent another tragedy. Is more regulation going to prevent the next accident?

After studying the history of workplace safety regulation, I have my doubts. The risks from underground mining can be reduced, but complete prevention of accidents requires stopping all coal production. Over the last century miners and companies have developed new technologies that have dramatically reduced the risks of mining.

A handful of specific regulations cut coal accidents in the early 1900s. Yet, there are numerous economic studies of workplace safety regulations that find that accident rates fall very little after new regulations are passed.

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Feudalism in Appalachia

Bill Kovarik

Bill Kovarik is a historian and journalism professor at Radford University, author of the Environmental History Timeline and co-author of “Mass Media and Environmental Conflict.”

Underground mining is inherently dangerous, but it’s more dangerous now than it needs to be. We don’t know yet the fully explanation for this week’s accident, but several themes are apparent in historic perspective.

The external costs of coal, in terms of human health or the natural environment, have never been reflected in its price.

Mine fatality rates have gone down significantly from 100 years ago, but where you see the statistical drops in fatality rates are in the years following the enactment of mining regulations.

The rates go down to under 2 fatalities per thousand miners per year only after the 1952 regulations forced mines to open up to inspections, and they drop again to the current levels of 2 to 3 fatalities per 10,000 miners per year only after passage of the 1977 Federal Mine Safety and Health Act.

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Tragedy’s Deep Roots

Sean Patrick Adams

Sean Patrick Adams is an associate professor of history at the University of Florida and the author of “Old Dominion, Industrial Commonwealth: Coal, Politics and Economy in Antebellum America.”

Coal mining has always been a dangerous endeavor, regardless of its historical context. The 19th-century coal miners that I study trudged through rat-infested shafts and through dirty pools of standing water to bore holes in coal seams, pack in black powder, and set off a controlled (hopefully) blast to loosen the coal.

A history of sharp indignation at coal mining tragedies followed by public indifference.

Even after risking life and limb in this stage of the process, miners faced the potential collapse of tunnels, asphyxiation by toxic gases, or sudden fires that could break out while they shoveled the broken coal into carts and sent them to the surface.

In an era when all facets of industrial labor brought some element of risk, coal miners witnessed some of the worst working conditions and rates of injury and death in the United States.

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Blinded by Stereotypes

Ron Rash

Ron Rash is the John Parris Distinguished Professor of Appalachian Studies at Western Carolina University in Cullowhee, N.C. His the author, most recently, of “Serena,” a novel about the struggle to create the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.

The main reason regulations have not been as stringent as they should be is that the coal companies, with the help of politicians, have set up such ridiculously small fines for safety violations that coal companies make more money paying the fines than adhering to safety regulations.

I wonder if the popular view of Appalachia as an insular place with ignorant people makes it easier to ignore the plight of the miners until yet another disaster occurs.

For example, in 2004 a 3-year-old child was crushed to death by a half-ton boulder that tumbled down from a Black Mountain, a strip mining site in southwestern Virginia; the coal company was fined $15,000, the maximum by law. The travesty that is mountaintop removal is permitted for the same reason.

But I also wonder if the popular view of Appalachia as an insular place with ignorant people makes it easier to ignore the plight of the miners until yet another disaster occurs. The next time you turn on a light or a radio or a microwave, instead of the jokes and offensive stereotypes, think about the men who lost their lives to make that switch work.

The Price of Cheap Energy

Thomas Andrews

Thomas G. Andrews is an assistant professor of history at the University of Colorado, Denver. He is the author of “Killing for Coal: America’s Deadliest Labor War.”

As everyone knows, coal mining in the United States is not nearly as deadly as it used to be.
Monday’s disaster at the Upper Big Branch Mine reminds us, however, that three immense challenges endure in America’s coal country: 1) the potential dangers of methane and coal dust; 2) the temptation for mine owners to put profits above the welfare of their employees; 3) and the tendency of the American public to ignore our complicity in the resulting disasters.

That coal mining is dangerous doesn’t let Massey Energy off the hook for the Upper Big Branch tragedy.

These challenges, it turns out, are more closely connected than they might seem at first glance; together, they form a sort of Gordian knot.

In recent years, union leaders, government officials, and even many coal corporations have publicly established an ambitious goal: zero fatalities in the nation’s coal mines. Yet as long as human beings labor in underground mines, the possibility of death on-the-job will remain.

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