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« The People's Surge: To remind the powers that be that their power derives from "We the people" | Main | Ed Markey will vote yes, but at least we had a little fun making his aides squirm a bit »

March 17, 2010


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Looking through the records, I wasn't quite the first person to think of #demonpass - Lizzie O'Leary barely beat me to the punch.

I'll still take full credit though, since it only took off after you, Melissa Clouthier and I had last night's discussion.

Reminds me of Alfred Russel Warren's common-ancestor theory developed concomitantly with Darwin's.

As I mentioned in the post, I do think it's in the air. Like the Tea Party phenomenon itself, #demonpass arose almost spontaneously from individual like-minded folk who love this Shining City Upon a Hill.

Thanks for stopping by the blog!

The Democrats in Congress are totally out of touch with America, have lost all connections - slight though they once were - to common sense and constitutional responsibility. They're nuts, drunk with power and utterly irrational. They're also soon to be unemployed!


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