The Page

Politics up to the Minute

"Obstruct, Derail and Defeat"

El Rushbo turns focus to November, says "we need to wipe them out."

AUDIO: Listen here. DETAILS: More here.

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Romney for Repeal

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The Signing


Obama to usher health overhaul into law Tuesday.

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What's Next


Mark Halperin's One Nation column: Obama + media + business > Republicans.

Read it here. Permalink

ARRA Education

Biden, Geithner discuss Recovery Act benefits, tax filings in event Monday.

Plus: VP, TreasSec. announce ARRA middle class benefits.

Also: VP to call governors, mayors to address the act's implementation.

DETAILS: More here. Permalink

Reax: The Morning Papers

NY Times: "An epic political battle that could define the differences between the parties for years."

WashPost: "The bill will affect virtually every man, woman and child in the United States in some way."

WSJ: "Democrats bet they could overcome public misgivings on a bill that reshapes one-sixth of the U.S. economy."

USA Today: "A historic restructuring of the nation's health care system that has eluded [Obama's] predecessors for more than a century."

LA Times: "After more than a year of procedural delays, partisan battling and a nail-biting search for votes, congressional Democrats seemed more focused on history than the remaining parliamentary obstacles." Permalink

Reax: The Right


Boehner: "We have failed to listen to America."

McConnell: "It marks the beginning of a backlash against Democrats in Washington who lost their way."

McCain: "The American people are very angry. They don't like it and we're going to repeal this.''

Steele: "Today, America witnessed the first vote for the end of representative government."

National Review: "Congress has narrowly passed a bill that simultaneously undermines life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

Frum: "Republicans today suffered their most crushing legislative defeat since the 1960s." Permalink

"This is What Change Looks Like"


Obama hails passage of health reform as "another stone firmly laid in the foundation of the American Dream" Sunday night at the White House.

"We rose above the weight of our politics…. We proved we are still a people capable of doing big things."

REMARKS: Read them here.

"Rock Solid"

GettySecState assures commitment to Israel in remarks Monday.

And: Clinton outlines sanctions on Iran. Permalink

Reax: The Inner Circle


Gibbs: "Yes we can became yes we did."

Axelrod: "To me, this was a much more... impactful thing than election night, because... I know that the lives of million and millions of Americans will be more secure because of what we did." Permalink

Reax: The Left


Pelosi: "This is a great act of patriotism."

Reid: "This was never about politics; it has always been about people who are struggling."

Clyburn: "This is the Civil Rights Act of the 21st century."

Kaine: "It is a symbol of what the Democratic Party stands for—relief for middle class Americans, fighting unfair business practices, and helping people live happier, healthier lives."

Krugman: "Kudos to all involved, with special praise for Nancy Pelosi, who is now a Speaker for the ages."

Yglesias: "Now that it's done, Barack Obama will go down in history as one of America's finest presidents." Permalink

Biden Welcomes Bibi


VP to host dinner for Israeli PM at the Naval Observatory Monday. Permalink



House passes historic health care overhaul, package of fixes late Sunday.

Democrats break out in chant of "Yes we can" on the chamber floor.

Initial vote is 219-212. The roll call.

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The Political Schedule

*all times Eastern

Monday, March 22

    • 2:45 pm
    • Press Secretary Gibbs delivers daily press briefing
    • 3:45 pm
    • Vice President Biden hosts conference calls with governors and mayors on Recovery Act implementation
    • 7:00 pm
    • Vice President Biden hosts a dinner with Israeli PM Netanyahu at the Naval Observatory

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