Radovan Karadzic: war against ‘Islamist goals’ of Muslims was ‘just’

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From The Telegraph

The Serb cause in the Bosnia war was a “just and holy” war against the “Islamist goals” of Muslims, Radovan Karadzic has claimed during his trial against United Nations genocide charges.

Former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic

Wearing a dark suit and tie, the wartime political leader of Bosnia’s Serbs today ended a previous boycott of his genocide and war crimes trial to open his own defence.

”I stand before you not to defend the mere mortal that I am but to defend the greatness of a small nation in Bosnia and Herzegovina which for 500 years has had to suffer and has demonstrated of modesty and perseverance to survive in freedom,” he told the court in his opening statement.

”I will defend that nation of ours and their cause that is just and holy. We have a good case. We have good evidence and proof.” Read More »

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KFC halal row in Britain, Colonel Sanders summoned to the Lancashire Council of mosques

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From The National

Halal dispute over Kentucky Fried Chicken

David Sapsted, Foreign Correspondent

Last Updated: March 14. 2010 7:06PM UAE / March 14. 2010 3:06PM GMT

Kentucky Fried Chicken has been summoned to the Lancashire Council of Mosques. Dominic Lipinski / PA

LONDON // A trial involving the sale of halal poultry at dozens of outlets of a fast-food chain across Britain has left groups of Christians and Muslims embroiled in two very different controversies.

On one hand, non-Muslim groups are setting up internet petitions against KFC’s move to sell halal-only products in the trial at 74 of its outlets across the country. On the other, Muslims themselves are questioning whether, in fact, the poultry being sold is truly halal.

The controversy follows a row in France, where seven stores in the Quick chain of hamburger restaurants switched to selling only halal turkey burgers, sparking protests from non-Muslim French communities. Read More »

Posted in England, Irrational religious authority, Islam, Islam in Europe, Islamic supremacism, Multiculturalism, Sharia Law, United Kingdom, forcing sharia, war on chicken outlets | Leave a comment

Master of taqiyya Tariq Ramadan, in Canada to peddle Brotherhood Islam

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From The Ottawa Citizen

Radical or reformer?

Muslim intellectual Tariq Ramadan is described by many as a reformer, but the Swiss-born academic, who will be speaking Friday at Carleton University, has troubling allegiances to Islamist extremists, writes Robert Sibley.

By Robert Sibley, The Ottawa CitizenMarch 18, 2010

President of the European Muslim  Network, Tariq Ramadan, has said his dream is to create a 'European  Islam' where the continent's Muslims can find a proper place. But lately  many question the intellectual's seemingly moderate stance.

President of the European Muslim Network, Tariq Ramadan, has said his dream is to create a ‘European Islam’ where the continent’s Muslims can find a proper place. But lately many question the intellectual’s seemingly moderate stance.

Photograph by: Dominique Faget, Agence France-Presse, Getty Images, The Ottawa Citizen

Tariq Ramadan is often held up as the kind of Muslim intellectual able to build bridges between Islam and the West. The Swiss-born academic — “one of the most important intellectuals in the world,” says Slate magazine — is widely lauded as a “moderate,” a “reformer.”

Ramadan, a research fellow at St. Antony’s College in Oxford who lectures on Islamist thought, among other positions, is best known to North Americans for being denied a U.S. work visa in 2004 to take up an appointment at the University of Notre Dame. In Europe, though, he has spent much of the past two decades telling Muslims they need to modernize and trying to convince westerners they need not be suspicious of Islam. His purpose, he says, is to foster a “European Islam” where the continent’s Muslim population can find its proper place.

Ramadan will bring that message — or a variation on it — to Ottawa on Friday when he delivers the 26th annual Davidson Lecture at Carleton University’s Minto Centre. His talk, sponsored by the College of the Humanities and the Carleton Centre for the Study of Islam, is entitled “Identity and Engagement: Western Muslims and the Public Sphere.”

On Ramadan’s previous visits to Ottawa, he’s praised the capital as a place where “there is goodwill and a better understanding of immigrants” than elsewhere. During a 2005 visit, he lamented the us-versus-them psychology that often characterizes relations between Muslims and non-Muslims. “If we are each obsessed with the extremists on the other side we are not going to build together.”

Such sentiments are always worth considering, of course. The question for Friday’s audience, though, is whether they are believable.

Ramadan’s reputation as a “moderate” has come into question in recent years, with some reputable commentators suggesting Ramadan is a master practitioner of the Islamic doctrine of taqiyya, or dissimulation. Read More »

Posted in Canada, Islam, Islam in the Americas, Islam on campus, Sharia Law, Taqyyia, soft jihad | 1 Comment

The crossing of the red line: jihadists fire rocket into Israel

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From The Telegraph U.K.

Israel targeted by Gaza rockets as Ashton visits

Palestinian militants fired a rocket from the Gaza Strip into a kibbutz in southern Israel, killing a Thai worker, while EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton was on an hours-long visit to the area.

Published: 1:08PM GMT 18 Mar 2010

Rocket in Gaza

Palestinian protesters take cover from tear gas fired by Israeli forces in the West Bank of Hebron on March 18 Photo: EPA

The rocket was launched into Israel from the Gaza Strip, killing a Thai agricultural worker, while Baroness Ashton was visiting the Hamas-controlled enclave.

It was the first strike from the territory to cause any fatalities since the end in January 2009 of Israel’s Gaza war.

An hour before the attack, the EU’s top diplomat Catherine Ashton crossed into the Gaza Strip to tour UN facilities and see how the international funding was being used.

At a Gaza news conference after the attack, Baroness Ashton said: “I condemn any kind of violence, we have got to find a peaceful solution to the issues and problems.”

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon also expressed his condemnation, saying in a statement: “All such acts of terror and violence against civilians are totally unacceptable and contrary to international law.”

An unknown Gaza group, Ansar al-Sunna, claimed responsibility for the attack – launched a day before the international Quartet of Middle East peace mediators was to meet in Moscow to discuss ways to revive Israeli-Palestinian talks.

Similar strikes since the Gaza war have been met by Israeli air raids against militants or suspected weapons-producing facilities, but the death of the Thai worker, in Netiv Ha’asara, an agricultural community, may harden Israel’s response.

“This is a crossing of the red line, which Israel cannot accept.

“The Israeli response will be appropriate. It will be strong,” Vice Prime Minister Silvan Shalom said.

The Gazan group responsible for the attack, Ansar al-Sunna said in a statement: “The Jihadist mission came in response to the Zionist assaults against the Ibrahimi and al-Aqsa mosques and the continued Zionist aggression against our people in Jerusalem.”

It appeared to be referring to Israel’s national heritage plan to renovate holy sites, including the West Bank town of Hebron’s Tomb of the Patriarchs that is revered by Muslims and Jews, and the rededication this week of an 18th-century synagogue in Jerusalem, some 400 yards from al-Aqsa.

In a statement on the rocket attack, Hamas steered clear of comments that could be seen by Palestinians in the Israeli-blockaded Gaza Strip as disapproving of a strike against its enemy, even while the strike strained an informal truce.

“The government of the Zionist enemy, which has launched a war against the Palestinian people and against holy sites and al-Aqsa mosque, bears the responsibility for all the escalation,” Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum said.

At Hamas’s urging, Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem mounted stone-throwing protests this week after Israel reconsecrated the Hurva synagogue in Jerusalem’s walled Old City.

Palestinian militants in Gaza have been carrying out sporadic rocket and mortar bomb attacks on Israel since the end of the December 2008-January 2009 Gaza war, usually without causing any casualties.

The number of such strikes has dropped dramatically since the Israeli campaign ended.

Posted in Hamas, Islam, Israel, Jihad, Terrorism, Violent Mohameds | 1 Comment

“Show your face” Canadian Minister tells Muslim women

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From The Toronto Sun

Tory minister faces veil controversy

By ELIZABETH THOMPSON, Parliamentary Bureau

Last Updated: March 18, 2010 6:23am

OTTAWA – Women who wear the niqab should have to show their faces when dealing with the federal civil service, says Citizenship and Immigration Minister Jason Kenney. Kenney said he believes in personal liberty and opposes regulating what people wear.

“On the other hand, when it’s necessary we do expect people to show their face in … obtaining public services,” he said Wednesday. “In my own ministry, when individuals make an application for immigration or a visa and they’re interviewed by a Canadian public servant, they’re required to show their face.”

Kenney said the reason women are asked to remove their niqab, which covers the lower half of the face, is so officials can see their responses and they can communicate their problem. In those cases, the department arranges for a female civil servant “as often as possible,” he said.

Kenney’s comments come as a storm of controversy has erupted in Quebec over whether women who wear the niqab should have to remove their face veil in certain circumstances such as during a French class for immigrants.

The controversy was further fuelled this week when Quebec’s Human Rights Commission ruled that women wearing the Islamic face covering have to remove it for their health card photo and cannot demand to be served by another woman.

The commission also ruled in favour of the hijab, which covers the head but not the face. A client had complained about being served by a health board employee wearing a hijab, but the commission ruled the headdress did not have any bearing on the service they received.

Kenney’s comments come a day after the UN Human Rights Commission’s expert on minority issues tabled a report saying that while Canada had an impressive record, significant and persistent problems affect ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities. Gay McDougall cited negative experiences in public schools for black and Asian Canadians as well as higher unemployment and lower income rates, even for those who have higher education levels than most Canadians.

Kenney said Canada is viewed around the world as a model of equality of opportunity and minority rights.

Posted in Canada, Islam, Islam in the Americas, Multiculturalism, Sharia Law, West fights back | Leave a comment

British police banned from asking for Christian names; may cause offense to Muslims, Sikhs

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From The Telegraph U.K.

Police officers banned from asking for ‘Christian’ names

Police officers have been banned from asking for a person’s “Christian” name because it might offend people with other religious beliefs.

By Richard Edwards, Crime Correspondent
Published: 12:18PM GMT 18 Mar 2010

Officers taking down a suspect’s particulars must now ask them for a “personal and family name” in case the word “Christian” offends Muslims, Sikhs or other faiths, according to the new official guidance.

Kent Police’s prescriptive diversity rulebook also tells officers to refrain from using phrases such as “my dear” or “love”, when addressing women for fear it may cause “embarrassment or offence”.

The guidelines warn that officers should not comfort people by “putting their arm around them” as it could be seen as “unprofessional”.

They also state that the term “mixed race” should be replaced by “mixed parentage” or “mixed cultural heritage”.

Police officers condemned the guidance as “the latest in a long line of annoying politically correct nonsense”.

Other recent examples have included Scotland Yard instructing officers not to use the phrase “gang rape” to describe such crimes because the term is too “emotive”. Sex attacks that involve more than one culprit are referred to as “multi-perpetrator rapes” instead.

Last year it was revealed that officers in Warwickshire had been warned not to say “Evenin’ all” – the phrase made famous by television show Dixon of Dock Green – because it could confuse people of “different cultural backgrounds” as to the time of day.

Other words now discouraged include, “businessman”, “housewives” and “child”, all of which organisations argue have negative connotations.

The new rulebook for Kent police, which has almost 7,000 officers, staff and community support officers, says it intends to “promote clearer communication” and “break down barriers” with diverse communities.

“Do not underestimate how your own cultural background may affect your perception and behaviour towards others,” it warns.

One veteran Kent police officer of 15 years, who did not wish to be identified, said: “Most of us are fully aware of how to treat people from different cultural backgrounds, but being told we can’t even ask what their ‘Christian’ name is just plain ridiculous.

“That is what we are brought up with – Christian name and surname – and to be honest if you had an officer ask for your personal name and family name it’s just going to confuse people.

“It’s just the latest in a long line of annoying PC-related nonsense that we keep getting shoved down our throats.”

Marie Clair, spokesman for the Plain English Campaign, said: “I would like to know who these people with religious beliefs are that are allegedly so offended.

“I do not understand why someone in an office somewhere is coming up with these guidelines when there has been no outcry or complaints made public to suggest that the word “Christian” is offensive in this context.

“It is political correctness being pushed to its absolute limits. All common sense has been lost. Why can’t we use familiar language which people understand?”

Posted in Beyond Stupid, Islam, Islam in Europe, Leftism and Islam, Multiculturalism, Political Correctness, Prohibition, The Narative, United Kingdom, War on Christians, War on Western civilization, War on freedoms, dhimmitude, irrational leftism | Leave a comment

Erdogan urges German Turks not to integrate

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Photo:  DPA

Erdogan urges German Turks not to integrate

Published: 17 Mar 10 14:49 CET
Online: http://www.thelocal.de/society/20100317-25933.html

The Turkish government has reportedly angered Turkish-German politicians by inviting them to an Istanbul conference and then urging them to resist political and social integration in their adopted homeland.

At the meeting last month, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan urged Turks living in foreign countries to take out citizenship of the new homelands – not to integrate, but rather to become more politically active, according to the website of news magazine Der Spiegel.

Ali Ertan Toprak, deputy chairman of the Alevi community in Germany, told the magazine government representatives had said: “We have to inject European culture with Turkish.”

Erdogan told the meeting countries that did not allow dual citizenship violated basic rights and also likened Islamophobia to anti-Semitism.

Participants told Spiegel that Erdogan repeated elements of his widely criticised speech in Cologne in 2008 in which he said: “Assimilation is a crime against humanity.” Read More »

Posted in Espionage, European Civil wars, European Union, Fifth Column, General evil, Geopolitics, Germany, Historical Relativism, Infiltration, Islam, Islam in Europe, Islamic supremacism, Jihad, Selective enforcement, Turkey, War on Western civilization, War on everything not Islamic, forcing sharia, immigration jihad, soft jihad | 2 Comments

Kosovo: Can You Imagine? (Trailer)

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Posted in War on Christians | Leave a comment

Kosovo and Serbia as explained by Major General Lewis Mackenzie

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Posted in Geopolitics, Historical Relativism, Islam, Islam in Europe, Stupid commie tricks, Taqyyia, The Balkans, The Narative, War against reality, irrational leftism, soft jihad | 1 Comment

Chris Hitchens debates Al Sharpton

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Hitchens is always excellent, agree with every word or not:

Posted in Chris Hitchens, Irrational religious authority, Islam, Islamic supremacism, Terrorism, West fights back | Leave a comment

An Interview with Stephen Harper

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Posted in Canada | Leave a comment

Egyptian Muslim teacher targets only Christian girls for rape

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From Pakistani Christian Post:

Muslim Teacher Sexually Abuses Christian Children In An Upper Egyptian School

Cairo: March 14, 2010. (By Mary Abdelmassih for PCP) A scandal was uncovered this week at an Upper Egyptian elementary girl’s school, where a Muslim teacher has been sexually assaulting Christian Coptic children. Copts are enraged due to the impunity with which the State Security authorities have dealt with these crimes.

The last incident took place on Tuesday 3/3/2010 in the Helwa Girl’s Elementary School, when Arabic teacher Hany Taha, lured 11-years-old Hanan Adel Aziz to the school’s lower ground floor and dragged her

into the washroom. She was later rescued by another Muslim teacher when he heard her distressed screams. The village of Helwa lies in the district of Matai, 200 km south of Cairo, in the Minya Governorate.

“Hany Taha has been targeting only the school’s Christian minor girls and has five ‘known rape precedents’ in the same school. However, the guardians of the children were put under pressure to accept a reconciliation using both coercion and threats not to report the incidents, according to activist Mariam Ragy of Katiba Tibia advocacy after interviewing Adel Aziz, the victim’s father. Aziz said that

the Muslim teacher lured his daughter from the classroom under the pretext that her aunt who works mornings in the same school is waiting for her. Ragy said that the accused Muslim teacher used to work in a private school before being sacked due to the same pervert behavior. “Also two transfer resolutions from this school were issued against him but were waived due to the “the existence of a family relationship

between the headmistress and the brother of the accused, said Ragy. ”

Read More »

Posted in Coptic persecution, Egypt, Islam, Islam in Africa, War on Christians, War on women's rights, thuggery and intimidation | Leave a comment

Insurgent video shows Toronto student

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Mohammed Elmi Ibrahim

Mohammed Elmi Ibrahim

 CBC News has confirmed the identity of a Toronto man — believed to have joined an al-Qaeda-linked group in Somalia and killed in battle — on an insurgent group’s online video.

Mohammed Elmi Ibrahim, an English major at the University of Toronto, can be seen on the two-minute, nine-second video made in Saudi Arabia, in which he discusses the historical significance of his location.

According to a message that accompanies the video found on the al-Shabab website, Ibrahim was killed in battle, although his death has not been officially confirmed.

The message with the video, addressed to Canadian youth, says: “Dont be sadden [sic] but rather rejoice in the news of your dear brother and follow his foot steps and march forth in the ranks of the honest mujahideen, al Shabaab mujahideen.”

Ibrahim, who went by the nickname “Canlish” and was in his early 20s, disappeared at least a year ago and is believed to have joined the Somalian insurgent group al-Shabab. The group was recently added to the Canadian government’s terrorist list.

The designation came as members of the Somalian-Canadian community have reported that the group is trying to radicalize and recruit young Canadians.

Ibrahim had gone with a group to make the Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca known as hajj. But he did not return with the group, and that’s when his family and intelligence agents in Canada concluded he had gone to fight with al-Shabab.

At least five other young Canadians, who all belonged to the same mosque as Ibrahim and have not been seen since last September, are also believed to have joined al-Shabab.

Posted in CBC, Canada, Islam, Islam in the Americas, Jihad, KSA Saudi Arabia, Multiculturalism, Somalia, Terrorism, Violent Mohameds, al-Qaeda, immigration jihad | Leave a comment

Turkey threatens to expel 100,000 Armenians

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Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Turkey’s PM has begun a tentative rapprochement with Armenia

Turkey’s prime minister has threatened to deport 100,000 Armenian migrants, amid renewed tensions over Turkish mass killings of Armenians in World War I.

Recent resolutions in the US and Sweden have called the killings “genocide”.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan told the BBC that of 170,000 Armenians living in Turkey “70,000 are Turkish citizens”.

“We are turning a blind eye to the remaining 100,000… Tomorrow, I may tell these 100,000 to go back to their country, if it becomes necessary.”

Thousands of Armenians, many of them women, work illegally in Turkey. Most do low-skilled jobs such as cleaning.

Faltering diplomacy

Mr Erdogan was speaking in an interview with the BBC’s Turkish Service, in which he was asked about the recent votes by lawmakers in the US and Sweden.

The resolutions, recognising the mass killings of Armenians by Ottoman Turks as “genocide”, were passed narrowly, and in both cases Turkey reacted angrily.

Hundreds of thousands of ethnic Armenians killed by Ottoman Turks in 1915-6
Many historians and the Armenian people believe the killings amount to genocide
Turks and some historians deny they were orchestrated
More than 20 countries regard the massacres as genocide

Mr Erdogan said the resolutions “harm the Armenian people as well… and things become deadlocked”.

Armenian Prime Minister Tigran Sarkisian was quoted as telling parliament on Wednesday that Mr Erdogan’s comments only reminded Armenians of the mass killings.

“These kinds of political statements do not help to improve relations between our two states,” he said.

“When the Turkish prime minister allows himself to make such statements it immediately for us brings up memories of the events of 1915.”

Diplomatic moves to normalise relations between Turkey and Armenia have faltered recently.

Hundreds of thousands of Armenians died in 1915, when they were deported en masse from eastern Anatolia by the Ottoman Empire. They were killed by troops or died from starvation and disease.

Armenia says up to 1.5 million Armenians were killed, but Turkey says the figure is no more than one-third of that and that many Turks died as well.

Turkey accepts that atrocities were committed but argues they were part of the war and that there was no systematic attempt to destroy the Christian Armenian people.

Armenia wants Turkey to recognise the killings as an act of genocide, but successive Turkish governments have refused to do so.

Armenians have campaigned for the killings to be recognised internationally as genocide – and more than 20 countries have done so.

Posted in Armenian Genocide, Ethnic Cleansing, Geopolitics, Islam, Stupid Muslim Tricks, Turkey, War on Christians, War on History, War on everything not Islamic, dhimmitude, thuggery and intimidation | 1 Comment

Ankara Seeks Influence through Turks Living Abroad

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From Spiegel Online. By Anna Reimann and Katrin Elger

Leaders of Turkish descent across Europe recently received an invitation to a fancy event in Istanbul, all expenses paid. But what sounded innocent enough appears to have been an attempt by Ankara to get members of the Turkish diaspora to represent Turkish interests abroad. Turkish-German politicians have reacted angrily to the brazen lobbying.

The invitation that numerous Turkish-German politicians received in February sounded enticing: Lunch in a five-star hotel in Istanbul, travel expenses included. The session was titled: “Wherever One of Our Compatriots Is, We Are There Too.”

Around 1,500 people of Turkish descent from several European countries accepted the tempting offer. Among the speakers at the event, which took place at the end of February, were businesspeople, NGO representatives and a member of the Belgian parliament of Turkish descent. But the meeting, which has sparked outrage among Turkish-German politicians, was more than a harmless gathering of the Turkish diaspora.

The event was organized by the Turkish government, which is led by the conservative-religious Justice and Development (AKP) party, in an attempt to send a clear message to the participants that they should represent Turkey in other countries. Turks living abroad should take the citizenship of their new home country — not, however, with the intention of becoming an integrated part of that society, but so they can become politically active, said Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who spoke at the event. Erdogan also compared Islamophobia with anti-Semitism in his speech and said that countries which oppose dual citizenship are violating people’s fundamental rights. (Germany, for example, generally does not allow its citizens to hold dual nationality.) Read More »

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