AOL News

Headline Photo
Harry Hamburg, AP

Democrats Tout $940 Billion
Health Bill After CBO Score

Erica Werner | AP
Shortly after a budget analysis said the legislation would slash the federal deficit and cover millions of the uninsured, President Obama announces he's delaying his Asia trip to focus on Sunday's House vote.
Also See: Obama Signs Jobs Bill Into Law | President Appears on Fox
Out of Sight Science / AAAS Out of Sight

Invisibility Cloak Edges Closer to Reality

By Gregory Mone | AOL News

Scientists say they have fashioned a three-dimensional "cloak" that renders a tiny bump on a gold surface partially invisible.

Puberty and Learning Puberty and Learning

More Clues Found in Mystery of Adolescent Brain

By Gregory Mone | AOL News

A brain chemical that limits learning occurs more often during puberty, scientists say. But they may have found a way to counteract it.

Proposal Fails AP Proposal Fails

Why Bluefin Tuna Talks Were Recipe for Disaster

By Carl Franzen | AOL News

The fish is prized for its taste, but some scientists predict that if trade doesn't stop soon, there will be few left to catch.

Future Car Steven Mackay Future Car

Driving Blind? We May Live to See the Day

By Tom Dunkel | AOL News

The National Federation of the Blind teams up with an engineering school to develop a vehicle for the visually impaired.

Fertility Flap Getty Images Fertility Flap

Human Egg Giveaway Sparks Ethical Controversy

By Katie Drummond | AOL News

Ethicists criticize a U.S. clinic for giving away a fertility treatment at a London event. Such gifts are legal in the U.S., but not in the U.K.

Bedeviled by Blue Devils AP Bedeviled by Blue Devils

Essay: What Madness Makes Us Hate Duke?

By Paul Wachter | AOL News

The Blue Devils are too rich and too white, and we can't spell their coach's last name. So it's OK to loathe them, right?

The Spectrum

FanHouse NCAA Tournament Bracket Challenge


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