American politics

Democracy in America

America and Israel

The beytsim on this guy

QUOTE of the weekend:

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's meddling in internal Israeli decisions regarding the development of our capital Jerusalem is uninvited and unhelpful. In fact it is sheer chutzpah. I cannot remember another time that a senior American official deemed it "insulting" when a sovereign nation announced urban zoning decisions regarding its primary city. This is yet another in the disturbing series of counter-productive declarations from the Obama Administration. It is a gratuitous and frankly annoying comment. Secretary Clinton recently embraced the task of helping solve shipping problems of American food products to our shores, yet condemns our right to build homes for Jews in the city of Jerusalem. Jews living in Jerusalem is why Israel exists as a Jewish state. With all due respect, Madam Secretary, forget the gefilte fish for Passover and support our inalienable rights to the Jewish homeland, Israel.

—Danny Danon, MK (Likud) and deputy speaker of the Knesset

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sparkleby wrote:
Mar 15th 2010 4:38 GMT

Uh oh. I see a Heimdall comment coming. Better get cracking on that finance reform post.

The Heretic wrote:
Mar 15th 2010 5:05 GMT

United States has been a staunch ally of Israel - from before the very foundation of Israel. United States' citizens have, through their government and through various charities, gifted the citizens of Israel BILLIONS in aid of various types. However, Israel has rewarded this steadfast support with suspicion and, at times, belligerence. Even today, Israel is trying its level best to abuse the Palestinian populations in the hope that any blowback would be contained by American effort.

Dear citizens of Israel, we citizens of USA love you and would like to see you prosper. But that cannot be allowed to happen if it is coupled with daily denigration of the Palestinian citizens under your government's control. A peace deal is needed and needed badly. Yes, there are hotheads on all sides but we are more interested in getting a deal that helps the decent folks and if we help you screw with the decent folks, the hotheads win.

k.a.gardner wrote:
Mar 15th 2010 5:16 GMT

The beytsim on this guy ??

Oy gevalt. Now that's a headline with chutzpah.

bampbs wrote:
Mar 15th 2010 5:35 GMT

Time to stop with the kid gloves. It is past time to remind the Israelis of who needs whom.

Brookse wrote:
Mar 15th 2010 6:52 GMT

In related news, today Italy announced plans to build 1,200 new housing units for Italians in Geneva, given its "inalienable rights" to develop its newly-announced capital of "Far-Northern Italy"...

Mar 15th 2010 10:15 GMT

How does a "gratuitous and frankly annoying comment" differ from a "gratuitous and annoying comment"?

politbureau wrote:
Mar 15th 2010 11:05 GMT

Maybe Israel should practice what it preaches and stop telling Iran it can't have its own nuclear power industry because it makes Israel nervous.

Mcamelyne wrote:
Mar 15th 2010 11:12 GMT

It's a manufactured crisis to distance the Obama administration from the Israelis. Obama will need cover should the Israeli govt choose to attack Iran. By distancing them now, they can brand the Israelis as uncontrollable.

Mad Hatter wrote:
Mar 15th 2010 12:20 GMT

Wonder what Danny Danon thinks of David Axelrod's comments?

Nice to see a Jewish member of the White House team read Israel the riot act.

With all due respect Mr. Danon, but you are a first class schmecklehead.

Time to take the gloves off and let Israel know that it's paymaster is boss.

Doug Pascover wrote:
Mar 15th 2010 12:58 GMT

No doubt, Sparkleby. The stones on that guy.

Winchester73 wrote:
Mar 15th 2010 1:24 GMT

If we think this is not an appropriate thing for Israel to be doing then we should deduct the dollar amount of the budget for this activity from the dollar amount that we will send them next year. Otherwise we are, in effect, paying for them to do it.

The administration isn't "meddling" at all. "Meddling" would imply that there's a possibility that they might actually do something. They are posturing. Surely Mr. Danon understands the difference.

P_P wrote:
Mar 15th 2010 1:32 GMT

-Mad Hatter

Yep, yep - the time to ditch the kids gloves, to talk schmootzig with all due respect, and to threaten to kick up shtoyb and what not else is now :)

Pacer wrote:
Mar 15th 2010 2:15 GMT

I read that the DOE just abandoned its plans for Yucca Mountain, and this article makes me think back to another one-time suggestion of just stacking up the nuke waste in Jerusalem. If the kids can't share nicely, take away the toy. At any rate, it's a freakin desert wherein some fables occurred, allegedly.

zernik wrote:
Mar 15th 2010 2:24 GMT

So the national and cultural renewal of the Jewish people, a new existence without the dangers and *ahem* mental insecurities of diaspora, a refuge from the persecutions of anti-semitism - all those goals of Zionism, both lofty and pragmatic, have gone out the window. Now it's just "Jews living in East Jerusalem" which is neither. So much for the clear-headedness that let the State of Israel be established and survive against all odds. Instead, these people are willing to throw away Israel's security for an extra 3 miles beyond the Old City.

MaverEcon wrote:
Mar 15th 2010 4:10 GMT

Reminds me of an 18 year old pointing out that he's technically an adult now and that it's insulting for another adult, even his dad or mom, to lecture him on how to live his life...about 5 minutes before he then asks his parents for money.

ginmartini wrote:
Mar 15th 2010 4:40 GMT

Did he really say "chutzpah"?

But definitely a zoning issue.

47th Ward wrote:
Mar 15th 2010 7:22 GMT

===the development of our capital Jerusalem===

And all this time I thought Tel Aviv was the capital of Israel.

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