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Thursday, April 15, 2010


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Yeah, he's apolitical-

"The critical moment in my career came after several years as a student activist. I was feeling limited by the all too predictable forms of social movement organizing--pamphlets, rallies, teach-ins, etc.--and began to experiment with public performance art, guerrilla theater and cultural interventions. (Including taking over a campus military research lab dressed in lab coats, dark sunglasses and walkman headsets; launching an experiment in free bicycle transportation by exorcising the commodity value out of the bicycles in a mass public ritual; and inserting into campus publications extreme pro-imperialst rants on US Central America policy written by a mysterious Capt. John Early.)"


It would be more accurate to call his group The Other 35%.

That is, until they endorse gun control, at which point it would become The Other 20%.

Rush made a great point today. For years the politicians have been afraid to cut spending becaus eof the backlash form those impacted. what the TEA party represents is the backlash for those paying for those benifits. th epoliticans it appear shave been worried about the wrong backlash.

The key to slashing spending is the same that they used for sin taxes. cut the programs that impact a small minority of the state first. Christie is doing it right. By goign after the teacher union he is slecting the calf from the herd. He is making it a fight of the people vs some greedy teachers.

If it works you can be sure he will attack the next special interest group. One at a time

The other 95%--declaring one's self the majority worked for the Bolsheveks.

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