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Saturday, April 17, 2010


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Great story. This reminds me of the greatest story of leftist-slaying in modern politics: Rudy Guiliani in New York. He took them on as Christie is apparently doing now, one by one. In each case, reaction from the Left was the same stunned disbelief when he would call for corrupt, stupid, inept people to be fired.

I doubt, if Christie accomplishes everything that he has set out to accomplish, that he will be a one term governor. But it is his willingness to expend his political capitol for the good of his state rather than his own political career that increases his power. Quite the opposite of the "politics as usual" that we have grown accustomed to.

Good for Christie. Now we need to go on the hunt for more just like him.

Man, this guy must have a special place in your heart, Dan... bet you never thought you'd live to see a guy like this in the governor's mansion.

My buddy just moved out of NJ at 63 years old, lived there his whole life... why? Taxes.

I like christie the only man in the GOP to show he has balls. Teh gOP needs more men with spine. So far it has only the women tha thave shown fortitude.

I would love to see a Palin/Christie ticket in 2012.

For the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my governor...

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