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Friday, April 16, 2010


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Well in this case, Dear Leader did lead ... by example. Slapping Rep. Massa around a few times. Threating him with his private life. Jabbing him with long knives, through the gaps in his chainmail.

And when that didn't do the trick, they stood him up in the middle of the road, spun him rapidly around, a number of times. Before the Hopey McChange bus ran him over. At 90mph.

Even if former pwezzidunce Obama, eschews the lowest road, and doesn't pick the most cynical choice his bwain trust can come up with.

He will still select someone he can trust. For their vote. In overturning the Constitution.

Evil is people, it really does exist. Right here on earth. There are monsters prowling. Seeking to destroy and consume.

Watch your six. (Monsters) incoming.

The only truth?

Is the deranged lunatics, their Maggot King, his legion [the Spawn of Satan Rahm (though purdy sure Mephisto babe, left the best part of that POS, in his pant leg, when he wuzz dunn wit his mudda)].

Is they are trying to destroy it. Obliterate it. Completely.

Dum dum Bidensky:

"Two weeks after it was signed into law, health insurance reform is still the talk of the town.

It’s for a good reason: This was a historic accomplishment. But it wasn’t easy. I remember what it’s like to be a senator and take a tough stand on an issue — confident that it’s the best thing for your constituents, but equally sure that special interests will pour buckets of money into attacking you for it."


[likely old news for many (via Tea Party News Central)].

And well, gotta admit, I did spend some money before going to the T'partay yesterdee. Well, spent it back in January actually. New Years Day I believe. Springing for a new pair of kicks. On sale (insert gratuitous Brando/horror reference here).

More from Dum dum:

"Special interests know that in the coming months, all their lies about reform will be proven false. But that won’t stop them from inventing new ones"

So now, we're not just racist, violent homophobic tim mcveigh wannabees. No. We're also "special interests."

What a dipsh*t. What a traitor. Scum. Filth.

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