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Friday, April 16, 2010


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"I'd rather take the loss and post the truth"

It is the last and only life raft we have. That's it. And I'll show no mercy to those would carry on with the libturd nation and MSM's wholesale destruction of ... the truth.

Our anger grows with each passing moment. Though you would not have been witness to such, at most every Tea Party in America. A nation joined together. Proudly beaming. Smiling. Happy. Savoring the sweet taste of freedom. A reminder, of what may soon be removed from the menu.

There are plenty of *sswipes soiling the nation now. Yes, this acrimony does play into King Hussein and his pet Juwa's designs. So be it.

But we all know, I got tired of looking over my shoulder ... last week. And refuse to have to worry about more, from ANY quarter.

Never met Bill O'Reilly, but last night he too, took a dump on the bravest man alive. Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin.

I'd like to think that truth will win out. Sarah's smart. She knows when she's made a mistake. She, like the rest of us [cept King Hussein/12th muddy/head of the 57 States of the PMDC (pedophilic moong*d death cult)] ... is human.

If everyone would PLEASE just give up on 2012 al(fookin)ready. And stare at the only target in range. Put some votes downwind this November 2. A lot of them.

There will be no 2102, period. If we fail. We must destroy the beast while we have a chance. There will be no second act, no encores.

Only curtains.

My head swimming with so many thoughts this morn, and unable to scribble them all down fast enough. Let alone blog. But I feel duty bound to perservere. Not going to give up. Today. Tomorrow. Next week. Or next month. Not ever. As long as I am alive. I will fight with every ounce of my being those that are now destroying America. F*ck the fascists. All the way up. With a glowing red hot poker (and then some ...)

Judgement Day approaches.

November 2nd.

200 DAYS people!

Stand tall. Stand proud. Neither flinch nor flounder. Keep marching. Through the heat, through the searing scorching flames.

They can take my country when they can pry it from out my cold dead heart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well said. I do not think it is just about his animus towards McConnell. I think it goes much deeper, and when you say he is no longer reliable to promote conservative values, that is what I think it is all about. Meet Erick Erickson, our new establishment elite at CNN.

astonerii, it's funny how we all complain that outlets like CNN tilt left and then when they hire Erick you turn around equate him to some "Uncle Tom" version of a conservative.

No wonder it is hard to get the conservative message out, anyone who espouses it on a major outlet is thrown under the bus by "True Conservatives" like you.

Stupid party in action.

Posted by: Aaron Gardner | Friday, April 16, 2010 at 02:11 PM

The truth sets many free.
Like little girls crying (come kill the spider for me!).
Mortally so.

As long as truth draws breath, we can survive. And it's gasping and wheezing now.

That post was the last straw with me for Erick. I don't get how any reasonable person could call what he said an attack, and I say that as someone who generally supports Palin. I get the anti-Establishment fever, but being anti-Establishment for the sake of being anti-Establishment is fairly childish.

And just to be clear, I was referring to Grayon above and Erickson calling his comments an attack.

The way I see it is opinions are like a**holes... everyone has one. If the voters vote because Palin, Erickson, or whoever says whatever then the cause may be lost already. If they have the time to read the opinions of others, they have time to research the candidates themselves and make their own decision. If they do not do this then they are sheep, possibly being led to slaughter.

I have been digging on PA-12 and have found that both major candidates have websites and that there are also 3 others in the race too with one that could potentially cause a Repub vote split. The most important thing is reading and comparing where the candidates stand on the issues or if they are afraid to even talk about the issues. It is their stance that is or should be important to voters and not who endorses them or what they look like that needs to be voted on. This isn't a freakin' beauty contest or a DC political popularity contest. They need to remember that all that are weighing in with support have personal reasons for doing this and that is the very thing that we are trying to remove from DC... that ol' boy network. That is what the KY voters need to do now and what all voters need to do... wise up, use your own brain for a change.

Posted by: JayJay | Friday, April 16, 2010 at 02:50 PM

Well said JayJay.


I guess I should have posted my comments left on the other Rand Paul post here. Anyway, I want to point out something. Reagan said conservatism is a three-legged stool -- social conservatism, fiscal conservatism, and national security. That also describes Kentucky's political views, though the fiscal conservatism isn't quite as important. The only thing that has really made it important has been this administration's rampant spending. Paul is standing on a one-legged stool. It's gonna fall sooner or later. It's just a question of when. Trey Grayson stands on a three-legged stool. If he wins, he won't be a one-term Senator like Paul would.......but Paul won't win the general anyway, so it's a moot point.

Hey T... good to see ya. Sent you an email.

Well, hell, did Paul back Palin? No, he backed dear old Dad in the primary and Ron Paul made it plain that he thought people like McCain and Palin were dangerous war mongers and way too close to Israel. I have no idea why Palin even got close to this race, but Erickson is getting stranger every day.

Re: Posted by: Aaron Gardner | Friday, April 16, 2010 at 02:11 PM

It is funny how I am making statements about Erick's abuse of conservative cred to attack conservatives and you think I am complaining about CNN. CNN is a business, I could care less what they do, as they have to pay for their access to people's homes.

We have seen many such good conservatives go to the dark side. How many conservatives backed Obama, big name brand republicans that had built up years of conservative street cred? Some have seen the light and have come back hoping to regain their old level of respect, and others have doubled down and just became straight out pure progressives, which way is Erickson headed? I was not attacking CNN in the least on hiring him, on the contrary, they got a hell of a coup from this. They get to show a supposedly solid conservative with huge name recognition on their shows and he will be signing 40% of their tune like a nice little toy. Erickson got that street cred because someone else turned over a functioning Redstate website to him. Erickson gets much of his conservative cred from the people who work the site. That cred is quickly evaporating as that web page has been sanitizing itself to be politically correct and progressive ideals friendly, going so far as to allow any progressive to determine how any disagreement on politics must be framed. Erickson is no longer a solid conservative, and it will take time for that conservative street cred to get used up, and CNN is going to clean up and confuse many conservatives in the mean time thanks to Erick's backstabbing. All bully for CNN, it is a business after all, and if it can suck the value out of Erick, all the more power to them, and the more disdain towards Erick.

I don't think Erick is selling out conservatism for CNN. He's doing it because of his dislike to Mitch McConnell in one state. I don't see him doing it elsewhere.

FL and Ky have become proxy wars. Between conservatives and DC. So far the DC elites are losing both battles. At this rate the conservatives will win the war.

I agree with you Dan. Erickson is not selling it to CNN, it is just a core of himself. CNN is just a benefactor of the move to center for Erickson. (Center as in the core of who he is, not his politics.)

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