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Friday, April 16, 2010


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Won't say which party I danced at. Or of course where. But I think we had a bigger footprint. A bigger gathering. A larger crowd. And it weren't in the center of a major metro area. Nor billed as anything resembling a marquee event.

What it told me, is how much of this nation is onboard. And ready. To kick that smelly maggot King Hussein ... back to whichever rodent hole he drunkenly stumbled out of (DNC: oh look, a drunk, diseased rat. I know! Lets elect him pwezzidunce!).

We cannot help but win in November. They will still try, bless their little black hearts. They will still reek mightily (I smell, therefore eyeyam).

But they will fail.

Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the L*rd.

He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored.

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