Saturday 2013/06/29

Causes: Self-Immolations in Tibet

Fire in the Land of Snow a Documentary on Self-Immolations in Tibet

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by: Yangyang from: mainland China
21.06.2013 22:40

by: Voltaire from: Paris
11.06.2013 14:48
Which is more dangerous: fanaticism or atheism? Fanaticism is certainly a thousand times more deadly; for atheism inspires no bloody passion whereas fanaticism does; atheism is opposed to crime and fanaticism causes crimes to be committed.
-- Voltaire

by: jinlin from: USA
11.06.2013 12:58
Was this a documentary by the VOA? Actually not. It was produced by the head of VOA's Tibetan Service. Why is that not noted in the "film"?

It is also obvious this was timed to be released just before President Obama met with President Xi in California. Was there a political purpose behind that, on the part of VOA?

Was China government response asked for? If so, and whatever the response was, it should have been noted. If not, just including standard video of a Chinese foreign ministry spokesman is not sufficient for balance.

Has VOA as a whole become a propaganda tool for one or others of your broadcast services?

In Response

by: Ten from: Ari
16.06.2013 14:53
Comment from Chinese consulate has been sought several times but denied

by: hjfoley from: Thailand
09.06.2013 00:54
If the Dalai Lama was sincere about love, peace and respect for life he would condemn out of hand self-immolated by his supporters. Almost nobody in the media is asking real questions of the Dalai Lama —or digging up real answers—I wonder why?
If you follow his personal history a very different person emerges...For a good overview of information relating to DL it is worth checking out

by: Fred from: Chinese studying in US
08.06.2013 00:04
It is shameful and childish for the Chinese political leaders to oppress Tibetan culture, religion, and independence, in the name of homeland unification. For they will never accomplish anything apart from causing more conflicts that sheds innocent blood. The Chinese regime is responsible for the death of immolators.

by: babygenial
07.06.2013 21:43
This is too unilateral. The Chinese could have used the same policy to every of its citizen, including Tibetans, how come majority peope are fine and actually enjoying it. The Dalai Lama still uses the old school rules to rule its people, go to look for more information is that democratic? You kidding me right

by: riano baggy from: indonesia
07.06.2013 07:50
we cannot to stop tibet's people for their democracy, they want freedom to expression, they want their leader Dalai Lama back to their country to leader with peaceful and harmony. New China goverment must to give opportunity for Tibet peoples to manage their country with their own hand.

In Response

by: babygenial
07.06.2013 21:40
You are retarded. Anyone knows history and the situation knows the Dalai Lama is using the policy to keep Tibetans in ignorance, trying to take advantage of the Chinese government to announce dependence.. Have you learn how those Dalai Lama come from..? Go to learn (common sense)

by: Anonymous
07.06.2013 04:41
go watch this video as soon as if you can

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