Saturday, June 08, 2013 Local time: 00:02


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Zuma Pushes for Zimbabwe Reforms Ahead of SADC Summit

South Africa’s Minister of International Relations and Co-operation Mmaite Nkoana-Mashabane also told reporters in Pretoria on Friday that an extraordinary summit on Zimbabwe’s forthcoming elections will definitely be held soon

Mugabe Says No Cabinet Posts for Losers

Mr. Mugabe singled out Arthur Mutambara and Welshman Ncube saying the two are in Cabinet even though they were “dishonored by the people.”

NGOs Press SADC for More Reforms in Zimbabwe

The coalition seeks SADC to ensure Harare implements a transparent voter registration process, people and parties have equal access to all media during the election period and there is impartiality by constitutional bodies

PM: Bulawayo Can Again Be "Smoke That Thunders"

In an election campaign-style speech to supporters, the prime minister said he would like to see Bulawayo restored as the industrial hub it once was.

IMF Accepts Zimbabwe’s Debt Clearing Strategy

The strategy pushed by Finance Minister Tendai Biti will attempt to clear Zimbabwe's current debt of nearly $11 billion dollars.

VOA60 Africa