
Getting Around Washington DC

Our introduction to the city's subway, buses, taxis and guided tours will have you moving in no time.

Local Airport Guide

Smithsonian Museums

The Wright Brothers' flyer, the Hope Diamond and portraits of George Washington all find a home in the Nation's Attic.

Museums Cheat Sheet

Three Days Around Washington DC

Make the most of a short trip to Washington -- explore our restaurants and boutiques as well as historic sites.

Washington 101

An introduction to the National Mall, the monuments and the Smithsonian.

Branching Out

Adventures for families, history buffs, shoppers and people-watchers.

Further Afield

Day trips to Alexandria and Mount Vernon, explorations around Chinatown.

Plan-Ahead Washington DC Attractions

You can just wander into museums on the Mall, but some attractions require advance planning.

Major Annual Events

City Guide to Go

Bringing your iPod to Washington? Download the portable version of our bar and restaurant listings.

Museum Podcast

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