
Jooz stole the salt?

Filed under: Israel — SnoopyTheGoon @ 7:40 pm

HAMISH ROBERTSON: Events in Moscow last week pointed to some strange conundrums in the Russian capital.

Why are some public buildings unable to bear the weight of snow in a city renowned for its severe winters, and why are Muscovites frantically stockpiling salt?

But in the past couple of weeks, salt has been disappearing from the shops, as Russians engage in a frenzy of panic buying.

As Emma Griffiths reports, the causes of this salt-scare are difficult to trace.

Nikolay is an elderly man carrying his shopping bags of cabbages. He has his theory.

“Zionists have triggered this crisis,” he says. “They’ve taken over the country and are now trying to arrange a salt crisis like they did before perestroika, when there were shortages of tobacco and washing powder. They do it all deliberately.”

So, we, the Jooz, have been caught again. Just in two short weeks we have:

  • Blown up a famous mosque
  • Spread the bird flu over half a world
  • Incarcerated a saint of all Aryan people (and some non-Aryan I could mention, but wouldn’t – they are too sensitive lately), using Aryans to do so too
  • Buried some nuclear dump over all the Muslim countries (the last time I am using the d-word for the next month or two, I swear!)
  • And now, like babies, we are so easily caught stealing salt

OK, fine, time to ‘fess up. You see, we have made a terrible mistake, filling up most of the Dead Sea with crude oil. It’s right that we have now more oil than we’ll ever know what to do with. But the main source of the world salt is gone. Finished, kaput! Even if we ever get a way to dig the salt out, it will be so permeated by oil, no one will agree to lick it. Ever.

So, of course, our emissaries are buying up the salt all over the globe. Then we’ll start reselling it, and believe me, what you ever called the oil crisis will be a joke in comparison.

Hat tip: Judeosphere

Cross-posted on SimplyJews

They lie, I lie.

Filed under: Anti-Semitism, Humor, Israel, Terrorism, palestinian politics — Laurence Simon @ 2:53 pm

Hi there, it’s your old friend Laurence Simon, and it’s time for another cra-

Wait a minute. This is, not IMAO.

Anyway, I figured I’d start things off here at with an oldie but goodie, the annual “Jews are dumping nuclear waste on holy Arab lands” gag, this time courtesy of those wacky fun-loving Syrians putting the “HA!” into Ha’aretz:

Syrian Ambassador Bashar Ja’afari told the 65-nation Conference on Disarmament that all Arab states were committed to creating a zone in the Middle East free of weapons of mass destruction.

“However, Israel, which has unambiguous support from major nuclear weapon states, continues to reject the will of the international community and dumps its nuclear waste in the Syrian Golan Heights,” said Ja’afari, the first speaker in Tuesday’s session.

Oh, you mean the same nuclear waste that the palestinians constantly accused Israel of dumping in Gaza? Wait… hold on… I’m sorry… I mean Jordan. Or did I mean West Bank?

Aha! I know… it’s not the Chinese dumping the sludge in Tibet, but Israel!

Man, that’s a lot of nuclear waste being dumped everywhere in the dead of night by those pesky Jews. How an earth do they manufacture so much to bury everywhere?

While y’all go out and get the batteries changed in your BS Detectors, let’s just play Syria’s game for funsies…

What? It was an accident? Oh, come on now. It can’t just be a coincidence that NASA didn’t fly the shuttle again until after Old Napkinhead kicked the bucket and got planted in the Mukatah’s parking lot. There’s got to be a conspiracy somewhere to explain everything.

As the great philosopher Clavin once said “They lie, I lie.”

(That’s Calvin as in Calvin and Hobbes, not John Calvin)

March 15th is IEATAPETA Day

Filed under: EATAPETA — Meryl Yourish @ 12:00 pm

March 15 is just over two weeks away, so fire up those grills and ovens and get ready to eat meat for a good cause: To piss off PETA (history here).

Lair Simon has created a website where you can list your local gathering for others to join you.

I’m going to be at the Royal Dragon kosher Chinese restaurant in Rockville, MD on March 12 at 4 p.m. If you want a late lunch or early dinner, join me. RSVP via email so I can give them a count, or RSVP in these comments.

On the 15th, I’ll be joining Sarah and the kids — perhaps the entire family — for yummy cow, or tasty chicken. Maybe we’ll go to Brock’s BBQ for dinner. Hey, maybe Harrison could meet up with us.

I’ve put my March 12th gathering up. If the 15th gels into concrete plans, I’ll put that one up as well. C.J., if you’re still out there, you’re welcome to join us.

Email from Israel

Filed under: Israel — Meryl Yourish @ 10:30 am

Lynn B. is in Israel this week, that lucky person, and she sent me an email that I simply have to share with you all:

Went to the Wall yesterday — a gorgeous sunny day (temperatures are running in the 60s and 70s here during the day but still cold at night) and they were having a swearing in ceremony for several hundred new soldiers who had just finished basic training. Quite impressive. They give each one of them a gun and a Tanach. Only in Israel.

Yes. Only in Israel. Am Yisrael Chai!

Hamas will never moderate: Distribute this widely

Filed under: Hamas — Meryl Yourish @ 9:11 am

This analysis of Hamas’ election victory by Mark Lavie, who has been writing for the AP for years, deserves to be widely distributed.

It’s one of the few analyses that explicitly states Hamas will never — never – moderate, and it’s written by a man who was there at the birth of the organization.

My suggestion: Send the URL to your local newspaper and see if they’re interested in reprinting it. It deserves wide distribution.

It deserves to be on the op-ed pages of every major newspaper in America.

Now, nearly two decades later, Hamas has surprised itself and won a parliamentary election, putting itself in the position of official power in the West Bank and Gaza. And now the world is wondering – do they really mean all that?

The charter is not an old, dusty document written by an idealistic founding generation to be memorized in classrooms but forgotten in practice, like the Declaration of Independence. Most of the people who wrote it are still around (some have been assassinated by Israel). The charter guides them because it sums up their core beliefs.

But they are patient. They acknowledge that there is a powerful state of Israel, and they are relatively weak. They offer Israel a long-term cease-fire if it will just get out of all of the West Bank, Gaza and east Jerusalem. The Palestinians would establish a state there and bide their time until the inevitable victory of their brand of Islam:

“The time will not come until Muslims will fight the Jews and kill them; until the Jews hide behind rocks and trees, which will cry: O Muslim! there is a Jew hiding behind me, come on and kill him!”

The deepest-held beliefs of Hamas dictate Israel’s destruction. It’s just a matter of timing.

Distribute this widely, please.

Welcome, Instapundit readers: Please send the URL of the article to your local newspapers. Just cut and paste:

Also, feel free to look around while you’re here.

UN: Israel’s tightened security exacting heavy humanitarian toll

Filed under: Israel — SnoopyTheGoon @ 8:19 am

The Unbelievable Nincompoops came up with a scoop: it appears that security measures interfere with normal day-to-day life of people. Wow, what a discovery!

“Israel’s tightening of security procedures has exacted a heavy humanitarian toll in the territories since the Palestinian parliamentary elections last month, according to a United Nations report obtained by Haaretz on Monday.”

So the report links the security measures with the Palestinian parliamentary elections. So far so good. But then comes an example of these barbarous security measures:

“Israel’s three-week closure of the Karni crossing, the primary artery used to transport commercial supplies to and from the Gaza Strip, resulted in an estimated loss of $10.5 million, the agency said.”

“The UN says the closure of Karni forced the Palestinians to shut down all Gaza Strip flour mills and, as a consequence, led to the depletion of wheat grain stocks.”

And what, pray, caused the closure of the above mentioned crossing? Was it because of the above mentioned elections really? Or, maybe, just maybe, because of these three “civilians” with Kalashnikovs and hand grenades that tried to shoot their way through that crossing just before the closure?

And some optimists say that there are limits to stupidity…

Cross-posted on SimplyJews

LA Times editorial writers: They’re smoking… something

Filed under: Hamas, Media Bias — Meryl Yourish @ 8:00 am

The LA Times editorial writers are utterly blind on the subject of Hamas. Please tell me that Michael Kinsley has nothing to do with this drivel:

On Hamas, patience
MAKING THE TRANSITION from critic to participant is always difficult. Leaders of Hamas, after their shocking win in Palestinian elections last month, find themselves undergoing just such a transformation. As they try to assemble a working government, all parties in the Middle East will need to resist the temptation not just of violence but of impatience.

Really? Patience? For what? To wait for Hamas to fully arm their “soldiers” (they did call for an army, don’t forget)? To wait for the first successful suicide bombing in Israel since Hamas was elected? For Hamas to stop lying to the press about negotiating with Israel? Oh, wait, they already have. The press just ignores it.



Guest bloggers

Filed under: Site news — Meryl Yourish @ 8:56 pm

Just want to let you folks know that you’re probably going to want to read the byline carefully before commenting on posts here now. I’ve just given posting access to a couple more people, including one of my oldest (and craziest) blog buddies, Lair Simon.

I forgot to tell Lair to watch his language here. Or, as the Mayor in Bye Bye Birdie The Music Man said, “Watch your phraseology!”

Well, hey. I have to give you folks a little more to read while I’m busy at my new job.

(SOAP. I had to learn SOAP. Yeesh. Well, at least now I know what it’s for.)

Say, while I’m thinking of it: Any topics you’d like me to work on for next week’s podcast?

When is a terrorist not a terrorist?

Filed under: AP Media Bias, Terrorism — Meryl Yourish @ 1:09 pm

When an AP editor gets hold of one.


Saudi Forces Kill 5 Suspected Militants
RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (AP) – Saudi security forces shot and killed five militants the government said Monday were suspects in last week’s foiled suicide bombing of a huge oil processing complex in the kingdom’s east. Security forces detained a sixth militant who was not harmed in one of two…

Saudi Forces Kill Five Terror Suspects photo
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) – Saudi security forces on Monday shot dead five suspected terrorists believed to be involved in a foiled attack on the world’s biggest oil processing complex, the Saudi Interior Ministry said. A sixth suspect was arrested. The shootings came after security forces…

Screenshot to come tonight. Lunch hours are too short to use image editors.

Mark Steyn makes sense

Filed under: Israel, Religion — Meryl Yourish @ 9:35 am

When Mark Steyn stops with the juvenile wisecracks, he can make remarkable sense.

What, in the end, are all these supposedly unconnected matters from Danish cartoons to the murder of a Dutch filmmaker to gender-segregated swimming sessions in French municipal pools about? Answer: sovereignty. Islam claims universal jurisdiction and always has. The only difference is that they’re now acting upon it. The signature act of the new age was the seizure of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran: Even hostile states generally respect the convention that diplomatic missions are the sovereign territory of their respective countries. Tehran then advanced to claiming jurisdiction over the citizens of sovereign states and killing them — as it did to Salman Rushdie’s translators and publishers. Now in the cartoon jihad and other episodes, the restraints of Islamic law are being extended piecemeal to the advanced world, by intimidation and violence but also by the usual cooing promotion of a spurious multicultural “respect” by Bill Clinton, the United Church of Canada, European foreign ministers, etc.

Islam is not a religion of peace. Its name means “submission.” Islam is a religion of conquest. And the much of the west is lying down and playing dead.

The Mohammed cartoons should be published in every newspaper in America and the free west, on the same day. Every damned last one of them. The fact that they’re on blogs isn’t nearly as significant as it would be to see these cartoons in the pages of the New York Times.


Filed under: Humor, Israel — SnoopyTheGoon @ 8:19 am

As it is only too well known, Moses, aside of his sterling qualities as a spiritual leader of our people, decision maker, confidant of the Creator, etc., was not a very successful tour guide. To start with the unfortunate necessity to part the Red Sea waters, caused by a simple navigation mistake (holding the map upside down), the 40 years of wandering in the desert and the choice of the location for the settlement…

Not only is the location a bit on the poor side where the milk is concerned and not precisely the world empire of honey, but, ironically, being in the middle of the most oil-infested area in the world, it does not have any oil to speak about.

But now, after ten years of clandestine and dangerous work, the pioneering horizontal drilling project is finished, and Israel became the world leading oil producer!

In this picture you can see a seemingly innocent drilling rig on unspecified location near Eilat.

The rig, however, is only a tip of an iceberg. This diagram presents the real picture.


Fun with Ismail and Mariam

Filed under: Hamas, Media Bias — Meryl Yourish @ 7:04 am

See Hamas. See Hamas lie.

Will you recognize Israel?

If Israel declares that it will give the Palestinian people a state and give them back all their rights, then we are ready to recognize them.

See Russia talk to Hamas.

A senior Russian diplomat said Sunday that Moscow expects Hamas to make a clear pledge to recognize Israel, a news agency reported.

Alexander Kalugin, the Russian Foreign Ministry’s special envoy to the Middle East, said that Hamas should outline approaches to recognition of Israel in its action plan. “The main thing is that they should clearly speak on the issue of recognizing the state of Israel,” Kalugin said, according to the Interfax news agency.



Your weekly dose of Sunday carnivals

Filed under: Bloggers, Linkfests — Meryl Yourish @ 8:35 pm

Carnival of the Cats is at Animal Family. Cats! Yay!

Haveil Havalim, Carnival of the Jews, is at Daled Amos. Jews! Yay!

You know, if you say “Cats and Jews” fast enough, especially if you mush the “and,” it’s going to sound like a sneeze. Which I just did. Sneezed, that is. Damned dust.

Hypocrisy, thy name is United Nations

Filed under: World — Meryl Yourish @ 6:35 pm

Saw this article in the news:

Thirteen years after Bosnia filed the case with the International Court of Justice, its lawyers will lay out their lawsuit against Serbia and Montenegro – the successor state for the defunct Yugoslavia – charging it with a premeditated attempt to destroy Bosnia’s Muslim population, in whole or part.

“Not since the end of the Second World War and the revelations of the horrors of Nazi Germany’s ‘Final Solution’ has Europe witnessed the utter destruction of a people, for no other reason than they belong to a particular national ethnical, racial, and religious group as such,” said the lawsuit’s opening paragraph, drafted for the Bosnian government by American lawyer Francis A. Boyle.

… and my first thought was, “Gee, have we forgotten about Darfur already?”

Gary Farber has the issue covered thoroughly. Scroll down and you’ll see dozens of links.

I guess neither Rwanda nor Darfur comes under the heading of genocide. What about the Cambodian genocide? No? Why is that? Because the victims weren’t Muslims?

What a load of crap.

A few strangers in town

Filed under: Site news — Meryl Yourish @ 1:15 pm

Actually, there aren’t going to be strangers in town, but I’ve asked for guest bloggers to pick up a little of the workaday slack while I, well, work. My new job doesn’t include blogging time.

So I have a couple of volunteers, and they should be along any time now. They’re both regular and/or longtime readers here. I think you’ll like what they have to say.

The non-moderation of Hamas

Filed under: Hamas, Israel — Meryl Yourish @ 8:27 am

People have picked up on this story as an example of irony. (Hat tip: Earl H.)

Elsewhere in Gaza, a top Hamas bombmaker died when a device blew up as he was training militants to prepare explosives.

But I think there’s a different angle. Reuters isn’t even bothering to bury the next graf deep inside the article; it’s actually the fourth paragraph and will make many newspapers’ “International News” sections.

“Hamas is continuing to train the mujahideen in order to pursue their task of jihad,” said Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri.

Hamas openly states its purpose to destroy the Jewish state, and the world still insists on giving them a chance to “moderate.”



The spammers and fraud artists are getting smarter

Filed under: Computers, Israel — Meryl Yourish @ 3:17 pm

Twice in the last month, I almost clicked on a very dangerous link.

One of them alleged to be from “,” saying

You have received a postcard from a family member!

You can pick up your postcard at the following web address:

When I put my mouse over the link to see what the site was, it showed up as a web address with an executable file. The extension was .gif.exe.

Needless to say, I did not click.

But that’s the second time I came close to clicking on a dangerous link like that. Be very, very careful with your email. If it isn’t from someone you know and trust, don’t click on it — and even then, be careful. Many Outlook-based viruses spread that way.

Israel’s Foreign Ministry is VBlogging

Filed under: Bloggers, Israel — Meryl Yourish @ 2:46 pm

Israel’s Foreign Ministry has an excellent idea: A Videoblog about Israelis.

There’s Tamar Abramowitz from the Ministry of Immigration and Absorption talking about (and showing, but not nearly enough) the diversity of Israel: People from over 90 countries, speaking more than 50 different languages — yeah, that’s diversity all right.

This one talks about the Israeli inline skating passion: Ofer Weisglass combines a catchy Andrews Sisters tune with scenes of him and his skating club, ending with a short interview at 2:30 a.m. from someone who has just skated 35 km(!). Yikes. At two in the morning?

There are only a few Vblogs at the moment, but the site has just started. Calling all Israeli bloggers: Here’s your chance to literally show us your stuff.

This week’s podcast

Filed under: Bloggers — Meryl Yourish @ 12:22 pm

Shire Network News is up, and Bruce has a great lineup of interviews (including Iraqi blogger Omar from Iraq the Model) and features. My contribution this week: International Eat A Tasty Animal for PETA Day. I think the “find the meow” bit is overdone, but Tig yowled again while I was recording. However, I couldn’t find it myself, so maybe it didn’t take.

By the way, Alex Bensky, you are mentioned on the podcast.

Perhaps I’ll do a podcast on cats at some point, but I’m not there yet.

If anyone has suggestions for future podcasts, leave ‘em in the comments or email me.

French Jews: Leave France

Filed under: Anti-Semitism — Meryl Yourish @ 11:10 am

French Jews are beginning to think that perhaps the French are not reliable protectors of Jews. Babelfish translated the last paragraph of this article about Jewish reaction to the horrible torture/murder of Ilan Halimi:

The shock wave is such as, always on midgal. COM, certain Net surfers insist on the urgency to leave France which would have become hostile with the Jews: “It is necessary to very seriously think of making your alya (“rise “towards Israel, note)”, advises a Net surfer. “Only one watchword should guide us: to leave France, to leave Europe, cursed grounds soaked with Jewish blood “, recommends another. At the exit of the synagogue, Thursday evening, in front of a group of old people, a woman declared: “France it is finished.”

France has never protected its Jews. The souls of the accusers of Dreyfus live on. I am more than ever convinced that the decrease in French anti-Semitic attacks was due to the authorities lying about anti-Semitic attacks.



I’m special

Filed under: Humor, Religion — Meryl Yourish @ 11:37 pm

I got an email from the Messiah.

The email says so. The title is, “I am the Messiah.”

The Messiah has a website.

I am going to go there and report back to you (with much mockery) when I get time.

You may all feel jealous now that I got an email from the Messiah, and you did not.

He obviously likes me better than he likes you.

Random Internet thought

Filed under: Meanderings — Meryl Yourish @ 10:39 pm

Google is the Internet’s card catalog.

Lunchtime briefs

Filed under: Israel — Meryl Yourish @ 2:47 pm

Iran says if the U.S. attacks Iranian nuclear sites, Iran will attack — wait for it — Israel’s.

Mahmoud Abbas wants the UN to make the IDF stop catching terrorists and breaking up bomb factories, thus proving that it doesn’t matter which palestinian is in charge; they’re all in favor of dead Jews.

In an example of the famous Muslim tolerance for other religions, Tajikistan’s only synagogue is being razed so the presidential palace can be extended.

Oh, and for those of us out there that thought Abbas was going to provide cover for Hamas, he’s doing it. He says Hamas is trying to prevent rockets being fired on Israel. Shyeah. They’re helping the other terrorists do it.

The war on Israel continues.

You’ll never take me alive, part two

Filed under: Israel, Terrorism — Meryl Yourish @ 12:14 pm

Gotta love irony.

On Wednesday, Shtawi told an AP reporter that soldiers had surrounded his hideout for five hours that day, but he and several friends slipped away. “They will never catch me,” he said at the time.

On Thursday, Shtawi said:

Nothing. The IDF got him.


Filed under: EATAPETA — Meryl Yourish @ 10:15 am

March 15th is coming up fast, folks. International Eat A Tasty Animal for PETA Day, a.k.a. IEATAPETA Day, March 15th. Lair Simon has a site where you can post your restaurant get-togethers.

I’m going to check my teaching schedule to confirm, but I’m pretty sure I will be at the Royal Dragon kosher Chinese restaurant in Rockville, MD for a late lunch/early dinner on Sunday, March 12th. My class ends at noon, so I don’t foresee the gathering starting before 3 or 4 (probably four, I’ll pick up more kosher meat while I’m there).

If you live in the northern VA/DC/Baltimore area, you are close enough to attend. I tried the restaurant last Sunday. It’s superb. And the host looks like my Uncle Mendy, which I suppose is to be expected.

Hey, David. You’re in the area, aren’ t you?

I’d ask Snoopy to come along, but he’s not local. (But he is slightly depressed over not getting many links lately, so go over there and cheer him up. You can cheer yourself up as well, because Simply Jews is as funny as always.)

Related post: Why March 15th became International Eat a Tasty Animal for PETA Day.

DC-area readers: Stand for Denmark

Filed under: Religion, World — Meryl Yourish @ 9:10 am

Christopher Hitchens is calling for a pro-Denmark rally today at noon.

Please be outside the Embassy of Denmark, 3200 Whitehaven Street (off Massachusetts Avenue) between noon and 1 p.m. this Friday, Feb. 24. Quietness and calm are the necessities, plus cheerful conversation. Danish flags are good, or posters reading “Stand By Denmark” and any variation on this theme (such as “Buy Carlsberg/ Havarti/ Lego”) The response has been astonishing and I know that the Danes are appreciative. But they are an embassy and thus do not of course endorse or comment on any demonstration. Let us hope, however, to set a precedent for other cities and countries. Please pass on this message to friends and colleagues.

I’d be there if it weren’t a two-hour drive. Shoulda called it for Sunday, Hitch.


Filed under: Anti-Semitism — Meryl Yourish @ 8:00 am

When I read this article, proclaiming anti-Semitism down in France, I ignored it. Because I didn’t believe it was true. French Jews are emigrating to Israel and elsewhere in record numbers. And the French have a habit of insisting that a Jew-hater is not a Jew-hater.

I thought of that article when I heard the news of the horrific kidnapping/torture/murder case of a young Jewish man by a group of Muslims, who spent weeks entertaining themselves by cutting, burning, and otherwise torturing him while supposedly waiting for a ransom. First, the French police insisted that he wasn’t kidnapped because he was Jewish. Then, they insisted that the torturers didn’t torture him because he was Jewish. Finally, they said, gee, we think they did it because he was a Jew, and they were out to ransom or kill Jews.

The French media is ignoring the anti-Semitism of the case.

Which leads me to wonder what I wondered when I first read the statistics about attacks on Jews decreasing in France: Are they really? Or are the media and the French authorities refusing to report anti-Semitic attacks as anti-Semitic attacks?

It is no comfort to me that the heads of France attended Ilan Halimi’s funeral.



Job report

Filed under: Life — Meryl Yourish @ 6:55 pm

So it’s nearly the end of my second week on my new job, which is writing a pretty technical manual for a complex program written in Java, which is causing me to bring back my memories of Chubb from six years ago (where I learned C++) and then my quickie NJIT course in Java, and I have to say: Really liking the job, even if I feel like I’m back at Chubb again, hitting the steepest part of the learning curve before breaking through the wall to comprehension.

The atmosphere is wonderful. The buildings were built to make your office look more homey, so there’s lots of woods and very little corporate-ugly decor. It’s near a zillion shops and restaurants, and easier for Sarah to get to (we had lunch today; Twinsday has officially returned). The people are really nice, and the company itself is pretty good to work for. Free soft drinks. Free fruits. Klondike bars in the freezer. A giant box of Twizzlers showed up this week. People, people, people, you are ruining my diet!

Really liking the new job. I have a long way to go on the manual, but I think when I said, “I think I can do this,” I wasn’t wrong. My manager told me two days ago that of all the candidates he interviewed, I was the only one who said I thought I could do it.


Well, Small Software Company hired the right person. A twelve-minute commute, nice people, my own office for the first time, well, ever.

Really liking the new job.

Microsoft Word tip

Filed under: Computers — Meryl Yourish @ 4:21 pm

Because I love to share: Have you ever used the formatting paintbrush? I use it as a shortcut all the time, particularly after I cut and paste between Word and other documents.

I just discovered you can toggle it. Double-click on the paintbrush, and it keeps the last format you clicked in.

Wish I’d discovered this years ago.

Toggle it off by clicking on the paintbrush again, or hitting the escape key. (The Escape key is your friend. First one I go to any time I want some kind of annoying MS feature stopped.)

President Nutjob

Filed under: Anti-Semitism, World — Meryl Yourish @ 10:00 am

This guy is certifiably insane.

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) – Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad blamed the United States and Israel on Thursday for the destruction of a Shiite shrine’s golden dome in Iraq, saying it was the work of “defeated Zionists and occupiers.”

Speaking to a crowd of thousands on a tour of southwestern Iran, the president referred to the destruction of the Askariya mosque dome in Samarra on Wednesday, which the Iraqi government has blamed on insurgents.

“They invade the shrine and bomb there because they oppose God and justice,” Ahmadinejad said, alluding to the U.S.-led multinational forces in Iraq.

“These passive activities are the acts of a group of defeated Zionists and occupiers who intended to hit our emotions,” he said in a speech that was broadcast on state television. Addressing the United States, he added: “You have to know that such an act will not save you from the anger of Muslim nations.”

By the way, I read on a blog somewhere a question as to why there aren’t Muslim protests worldwide over the bombing of the mosque. It’s because Shi’ites are the minority of the Muslim world. And as a result of that famous Muslim tolerance, most other Muslims think Shi’ites aren’t proper Muslims.

The only Muslims who care about Shi’ite shrines being destroyed are Shi’ites. Unless, of course, the shrines are destroyed by infidels, particularly Americans or Jews.

We should probably revise that famous H.L. Mencken quote for the Muslim world: Nobody ever went broke blaming the Jews for anything bad that happens.

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