
本部分的常见问题提供了一些与商标权有关的信息,包括受和不受商标权保护的内容,在 Facebook 发帖时如何避免侵犯他人的商标权,以及 Facebook 如何处理侵犯商标权行为的举报。如果您认为有人侵犯了您的商标权,请填写此表单

请注意,不同国家/地区的法律可能有所不同。如需详细了解商标法,请访问美国专利和商标局世界知识产权组织 (WIPO)的网站。Facebook 无法向您提供法律意见,因此,如果您有更多与商标权有关的问题,请咨询律师。

A trademark is a word, slogan, symbol or design (for example, a brand name or logo) that a person or company uses to distinguish their products or services from those offered by others. A trademark is protectable when it’s used in a distinctive way to identify a product or service. Whether you know it or not, you see trademarks all day long, whether in stores shopping, watching commercials on TV and so on.
Generally, trademark law seeks to protect consumers from being confused about who provides, endorses or is affiliated with a particular product or service. To prevent this situation, a trademark owner may be able to stop others from using their trademark (or a similar trademark) without permission if that use may cause confusion.
Not all terms are subject to trademark protection under the law. Protection depends on a variety of factors, including how unique, generic or descriptive the trademark is and the manner that it’s used. For example, the term “Banana” may be protectable as a trademark to identify an electronics company, but perhaps not to describe a banana farm. In addition, many trademark owners obtain registrations for their trademarks under relevant law, but registration may not be necessary for a trademark to be protected.
Please note that Facebook can’t adjudicate disputes between third parties, and so we wouldn’t be in a position to act on trademark reports that require an in-depth trademark analysis. This is also the case for trademark reports that appear to involve a real-world dispute that wouldn’t be resolved by any action that Facebook could take. In these situations, rather than contacting Facebook, you may want to reach out directly to the party that you believe is infringing your rights, or seek any resolution in court or by other judicial means. If you’re sure you want to report content on Facebook that you believe infringes your trademark, you can do so by completing this form.
  1. 在未经许可的情况下使用商标所有者的商标(或类似商标)
  2. 将商标用于商业用途,也就是与销售或推广商品或服务相关的用途,以及
  3. 对商标的使用可能使消费者对商品或服务的来源、支持或归属关系产生混淆
It depends. In the U.S., a trademark can be registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Federal registrations with the USPTO establish trademark rights as of a certain date and provide a presumption that the registrant owns a valid trademark, among other things. For these reasons, trademark owners often obtain USPTO registrations.
Outside the U.S., many other countries have adopted similar systems, including the ability for trademark owners to register their trademarks. Both in the U.S. and in other countries, depending on the relevant laws, a trademark owner may still have certain rights without a registration. Typically, a trademark owner’s rights without a registration (often known as common law rights) may be weaker than rights that are subject to a registration. Also, it’s important to keep in mind that registering a company with a government office or getting a permit to do business in a specific country or state (for example, a business registration) usually doesn’t itself create a trademark right.
In some countries or states in the U.S., a business might be able to register with a government office, or obtain a permit or license to do business in that country or state. These registrations, such as ones issued by a state’s Secretary of State, generally aren’t the same as a trademark registration, and may not themselves create trademark rights for the business. In the U.S., the registration that’s frequently used to establish trademark ownership is one that is issued by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).
Trademark rights may last indefinitely, but only if the trademark owner continues to use the trademark in commerce to identify their products or services. If a trademark owner stops using the trademark, or if it isn’t used properly, they might lose their trademark rights. Please also note that for trademarks that are registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), issued registrations must be renewed periodically. The laws in other jurisdictions may vary.
A counterfeit good is a knockoff or replica version of another company’s product. It usually copies the trademark (name or logo) and/or distinctive features of that other company’s product to imitate a genuine product. The manufacture, promotion or sale of a counterfeit good is a type of trademark infringement that is illegal in most countries, and is recognized as being harmful to consumers, trademark owners and honest sellers. Please note that counterfeit goods may be unlawful even if the seller explicitly says that the goods are counterfeit, or otherwise disclaims authenticity of the goods.
If you believe content on Facebook is selling or promoting counterfeit goods, you may report that content by filling out this form.
Not all uses of a trademark without permission of the trademark owner are necessarily an infringement of that trademark. The use of a trademark is only infringing if it’s likely to confuse people regarding the source, endorsement or affiliation of products or services. So, if a trademark is used in a way that is unlikely to cause consumer confusion, it’s generally not considered infringing.
Notably, simply referring to a trademark for the purpose of discussing the product or service offered probably won’t be an infringing use of the trademark, as long as that reference doesn’t use more of the trademark than is needed to make its point. In fact, you might need to use the trademark to describe or comment on a particular product or service. This is known as the doctrine of nominative fair use, and typically permits such uses as commentary, criticism, parody, reviews and, in some countries, comparative advertising.
And while these matters are very fact-specific, trademark rights also often don’t prevent:
  • The resale of legitimate goods or selling legitimate goods through channels that are not authorized by the trademark owner
  • The use of a trademarked word in its ordinary dictionary meaning
  • The use of a trademark in a way that is not related to the sale or promotion of products or services
Trademark rights are generally limited to the geographic territory where the trademark owner uses the trademark to identify their goods or services. For example, if a trademark owner uses a trademark to refer to their restaurant in Country A, they likely won’t be able to prevent another person from using the same term to refer to their own restaurant in Country B.
商标权和在 Facebook 发布内容
我们无法为您提供法律建议。如果不确定,请不要发布至 Facebook。在未经许可的情况下发布使用他人商标的内容属于违法行为。如果您已发布,应从 Facebook 移除相关内容。
收到权利所有人投诉 Facebook 上的内容侵犯其知识产权的举报后,我们可能需要立即从 Facebook 删除相关内容,而不会事先联系您。
如果 Facebook 根据通过在线表单提交的知识产权举报删除您发布的内容,就会向您发送通知消息,并附上提交举报的权利所有人的姓名和电子邮箱或者举报详情。您如果认为相关内容不应该被删除,则可以直接联系提交举报的用户,尝试解决此问题。
如果是根据美国《数字千年版权法》(DMCA) 的通知和抗辩通知流程删除了相关内容,您可以提交 DMCA 抗辩通知。同样地,Facebook 根据美国商标权删除相关内容后,如果您认为此内容不应该被删除,则可以提交申诉。在这些情况下,Facebook 将在发送给您的通知消息中提供更多关于此流程的说明。
如果您屡次发布侵犯他人知识产权的内容,您的帐户可能会被禁用,或者您的主页可能会根据 Facebook 的屡犯侵权人政策而遭到移除。您发布照片或视频的功能可能受限,还可能失去 Facebook 某些特性或功能的权限。根据政策采取的措施可能视所举报内容的性质和举报的地点而定。
如果您发布的内容因为根据 DMCA 提出的抗辩通知或者版权所有人撤销举报而得以恢复,我们会在适用屡犯侵权人政策时将此次恢复考虑在内。
举报 Facebook 平台上侵犯商标权的行为
Facebook 无法对第三方之间的纠纷进行评判,因此对需要深入商标分析或在 Facebook 以外的真实世界产生纠纷的商标举报,我们也无权采取任何措施。在这些情况下,您可能需要直接联系您认为侵犯您权利的一方,或者寻求法院判决或通过其他司法途径解决,而不是联系 Facebook。如果您确定要在 Facebook 举报认为侵犯了您商标权的内容,可以填写此表单
请注意,提交商标侵权申诉可能造成严重的法律后果。在提交举报之前,您可向发布相关内容的用户发送消息,直接与他们一起解决问题。尝试不通过 Facebook 即自行解决问题。
请记住,只有商标所有者或其授权代表才可举报商标侵权行为。如果您认为 Facebook 网站中的某些内容侵犯了他人的商标权,可以告知权利所有者。
只有商标所有人或其授权代表可以举报涉嫌侵犯商标权的行为。如果您认为 Facebook 网站的某些内容侵犯了他人的商标权,可以直接告知权利所有者。
Usernames are generally claimed on a first-come, first-served basis. This means that you may see a Facebook Page or profile that includes your trademark in its username. While there may be cases where this type of use can be reported for trademark infringement based on the context of its use, please note that not every use of your trademark in a username is necessarily a trademark infringement. The same word used in a different context may not violate your trademark. See “What is trademark infringement?” to learn more.
If you believe that a username infringes your trademark rights, you may want to contact the responsible person and try to resolve your issue with them directly. If you’re sure you want to report a username on Facebook that you believe infringes your trademark, you can do so by completing this form.
请记住,提交侵犯版权行为举报属于涉及法律后果的严肃事情。故意提交误导性或其他形式的欺诈侵权行为举报可能导致帐户被终止,且根据美国《数字千年版权法》(DMCA) 第 512(f) 条或其他国家/地区的类似法律可能承担损害赔偿责任。
向我们提交商标侵权举报的最快、最简便的方式是使用我们的在线表单。无论您通过我们的在线表单或其他方式提交举报,Facebook 都需要您提供以下信息才能处理举报:
  • 您的完整联系信息(全名、通信地址和电话号码)*
  • 您声称拥有商标权的具体文字、符号等
  • 您提出商标权申诉的依据(如国家或社团注册),包括注册号(如果适用)
  • 您声称在哪些国家/地区或管辖权下拥有商标权
  • 您声称对哪些类别的产品或服务拥有权利
  • 请提供合理、充足信息,帮助我们在 Facebook 找到与侵犯您的商标权相关的材料。最简便的方法是提供可以直接转至被指侵权的内容的网址
  • 关于您为何确信此内容侵犯您的商标权的说明
  • 如果您不是权利所有人,请提供与权利所有人的关系说明
  • 一份声明:
    • 您确信以您所投诉的方式对商标进行使用的行为未经商标所有者、其代理或法律授权
    • 您在声明中提供的信息准确无误
    • 依照伪证罪条款,您是据称受到侵权的商标的所有者,或您获权代表商标所有者
  • 您的电子签名或手写签名
请注意,Facebook 无权对第三方之间的纠纷进行评判,可能无法删除您举报的商标侵权内容。您可能需要联系发布被举报内容的用户,直接与他们一起解决问题。
如果您通过我们的在线表单提交举报,请附上广告的直接链接。如果您无法找到广告的直接链接,可以添加广告显示时登录的 Facebook 帐户的链接,或者也可以在举报中附上截图。
您可能会在 Facebook 发现,某些应用程序是由第三方开发者创建和运营的。Facebook 无法控制通过这些应用提供的内容。
如果您认为某个应用的开发者未遵守 Facebook 的权责声明,我们建议您直接联系此开发者,提出您的顾虑。如果联系开发者后仍未解决问题,建议您提交举报
  • 举报编号
  • 权利所有人的姓名
  • 举报者提供的电子邮箱
  • 权利所有人的商标描述
  • 被删除内容的描述
对于任何根据美国商标权删除的内容,如果您认为相关内容不应该被删除,我们将向您提供 Facebook 的直接联系方式。
如果您在 Facebook 二手市场或广告中看到侵犯您知识产权的内容,随时可以向我们举报
此外,如果您拥有文字注册商标,则或许有资格使用我们的 Commerce & Ads IP Tool,并使用该工具的界面:
  • 搜索广告和二手市场帖子的文本和标题,确认其中是否出现了您的文字注册商标,
  • 审阅搜索结果,找出您认为侵犯了您的知识产权的任何内容,
  • 直接向 Facebook 举报该内容。
Commerce & Ads IP Tool 还支持搜索结果的排序和筛选,方便您找到要审阅的内容,并以假冒或者侵犯商标权或版权为由单独或批量举报侵权内容。要申请使用 Commerce & Ads IP Tool,请填写此申请表