Karl Grossner

Research Developer

As a research developer in the Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Research (CIDR) since 2012, Karl has had a prominent role in both research and software engineering for these interactive scholarly works:


Curriculm Vitae


  • PhD, Geography, University of California Santa Barbara
  • BS, Instructional Design and Technology, California State University, Chico

Professional activities 

I am an academic geographer, and founding co-chair of the GeoHumanities Special Interest Group (SIG) of the Alliance for Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO).

Selected Publications 

Publications in progress

Grossner, K. (in press). Spatial Concepts. in D. Richardson, N. Castree, M. Goodchild, W. Liu, A. Kobayashi, & R. Marston (Eds.) The International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley/AAG

Grossner, K., Janowicz, K. and Keßler, C. (in press). The Place of Linked Data for Historical Gazetteers. In R. Mostern, H. Southall, and M.L. Berman (Eds.). Placing Names: Enriching and Integrating Gazetteers. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

Selected peer-reviewed articles, chapters, and posters

Engel, C. and Grossner, K. (2015). The Archaeological Process at Çatalhöyük: Creating A Living Archive. In I. Hodder, A. Marciniak (Eds.) Themes in Contemporary Archaeology: Assembling Çatalhöyük. Maney Publishing.

Grossner, K., Hodder, I., and Engel, C. (2015). Towards a Living Archive for Çatalhöyük (poster), Computer Applications in Archaeology 2015, Siena, Italy.

Grossner, K., and Janelle, D.G. (2014). Concepts and Principles for Spatial Literacy. In D.R. Montello, K. Grossner, and D.G. Janelle (Eds.). Space in Mind: Concepts for Spatial Learning and Education. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Montello, D.R., Grossner, K., Janelle, D.G. (Eds.) (2014). Space in Mind: Concepts for Spatial Learning and Education. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Goodchild, M. F., Janelle, D. J., and Grossner, K. (2014). Critical Spatial Thinking. In R. Stimson (Ed.). Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Spatially Integrated Social Science. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Grossner, K. and Meeks, E. (2014). Topotime: Representing historical temporality. Proceedings of Digital Humanities 2014, Lausanne, Switzerland

Grossner, K., Hodder, I., Meeks, E., and Engel, C. (2014). A Living Archive for Çatalhöyük (poster). Computer Applications in Archaeology 2014, Paris, France.

Grossner, K. (2013). Computing Place. Proceedings of Digital Humanities 2013, Lincoln, NE.

Meeks, E., and Grossner, K. (2012). Modeling Networks and Scholarship with ORBIS. Journal of Digital Humanities 1, no. 3 (Summer 2012). http://journalofdigitalhumanities.org/1-3/modeling-networks-and-scholarship-with-orbis-by-elijah-meeks-and-karl-grossner/

Grossner, K. (2012). Finding the spatial in order to teach it. In Kastens, K.A. & Manduca, C.A. (Eds.) GSA Special Paper 486, Earth and Mind II: A Synthesis of Research on Thinking and Learning in the Geosciences, pp. 87-90

Grossner, K. and Adams, B. (2011) COSIT at 20: Measuring research trends and interdisciplinarity, Conference on Spatial Information Theory (COSIT 2011); Belfast, ME. Retrieved from http://www.kgeographer.org/assets/cosit2011-poster-paper_Grossner_Adams.pdf

Grossner, K. (2010). Representing historical knowledge in geographic information systems. Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, Santa Barbara, United States — California. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses. (Publication No. AAT 3439428).

Grossner, K. (2010). Event objects for spatial history. In R. Purves, R. Weibel (Eds.) Extended Abstracts Volume, GIScience 2010, Zurich. Retrieved from http://www.giscience2010.org/pdfs/paper_185.pdf

More about me 

My research interests include: knowledge representation for geographic and geo-historical information systems; computational representations of place and time; activity and event ontologies; spatial thinking and learning; digital atlases of culture and history; Digital Earth