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Collecting areas

The Stanford University Libraries has strengths in many distinct collecting areas from Mexican American collections to artists’ books. Many of our key collecting areas are highlighted here, and can be discovered via SearchWorks.

Library and campus resources, news feeds, and blogs covering history, politics and culture of all African nations.
Apple Computer, 1990
These pages describe and provide access to collections related to the history of the Apple Computer.
Print, manuscript, and online resources on language, literature, and history as well culture, society, and politics of France, Italy, and Francophone Belgium, Switzerland, and Canada.
Fortification of the Lübeck City Gate (Holstentor). Woodcut by Erhard Altdorfer, (c. 1480–1561).
Historical and contemporary resources for the study of Germany, Austria, German-speaking Switzerland, the Scandinavian countries and the Netherlands.
Print, audio and visual materials for study and research on the Islamic world and the Middle East.
Back gate of the Ben Ezra Synagogue in Fostat, Cairo, 1985
The Jewish Studies collections in the Stanford University Libraries support research and instruction in all aspects of this interdisciplinary field
José Cerbón "¡Salve Hidalgo!" [Music score]; México: Librería Viuda de Bouret, [1910].
Historical strength in 19th and 20th century Mexico and Brazil; includes recent unique holdings on Chilean literature and culture.
Campesino (oil on canvas), Daniel DeSiga, 1976
The country's largest research collection of primary sources on the Mexican American experience in the United States.
Church of the Holy Spirit in Białystok, Poland, an Orthodox church in a majority-Catholic country
A notably large and rich collection of Russian materials; also strong Baltic, Czech, Polish and (ex-)Yugoslav collections.